Lud kar liq 8
Yad mid teq pa ted pehg Yer suq geh kae che
1U ve khaz nuhr, maq muh tand Yer suq awr lehr, te med peg te med te khaz peg te khaz lo kae lehq, Ghig sa ve muhd mig awg lawn ha lehg che bon khuhd ca koz mar vid tod che yaog. 2Cuh yad teq chi ni ghad liz, yawd geh kae che yaog. Kheh te lehq, yad mid teq pa ted pehg khuhn haeg che ned haq Yer suq ghaq kog lehq, nag che guhg che teq pa haq yawd ghu na vid lar che yad mid teq pa liz yawd geh kae che yaog. U ve teq pa awr lehr, ned suhr kheh tuhz veh jaw che Mar gar dar laq lehd koz che Mar riq, 3Her roq ve med nged haq sax var Khud saq ve awg mid ma Yod har naq, Sud sar naq he lehq awg kag awg nuz awr ve yad mid teq pa laex ghad, a sug yawd ved med nged jeg kor teq pa haq yehd lehq, Yer suq he lehq awg laq ghuhd teq pa haq ga vid che yaog.
Awg yuhd ser var awg lawn Yer suq tawd par hax te mar che
4Med teq pa lo lag che muhd mig yad teq pa chaw kha peh vad-ag Yer suq chehd lo phoz lag lehq, yawd i hehd haq tawd par hax te mar vid lehq koz che, 5“Ha kawd cad var te ghad yawd ha khuhn awg yuhd ca ser che te yand, awg yuhd ted pehg yaq kaw khuhn che geh lehq, su ga naz tod lehq ngaz teq pa liz ghawz cad vehr che yaog. 6Awg yuhd ted pehg huhx meh dig thang cawg che mig sar nehax pad-a ghad te che thag huh che geh lehq, awg yeg yeag che te yand mig sar god cheaq te lehq nuhr vehr god vehr che yaog. 7Awg yuhd ted pehg pehar a chud de khuhn che geh lehq, a chud goq khuhn yeag lehq awg yeg u ve haq a chud bid hoz vehr che yaog. 8Awg yuhd ted pehg pehg ax ver, mig khid daq kig huh che geh lehq, awg yeg yeag lehq awg cehg iar che te yand, awg sir awg no teq ha pun nuhaq che yaog.” Yawd u kheh koz peg lehq awg khuhd hehnd chawa kug lehq koz che, “Na tug nar puh cawg che chaw teq pa kha nehax nao,” lehd koz che yaog. 9Kheh te lehq, yawd ved awg laq ghuhd teq pa awr lehr, yawd haq kawq na lehq koz che, “Tawd par hax che ve a thoq haq koz gad cheawg le,” lehd koz che yaog. 10Yer suq kawq koz che, #Isy 6:9“Ghig sa ve muhd mig awg lawn khuhd ceh lar che awg ceng teq pa haq nig hehd sir tug a khawag cawg che yaog. Kheh ma khuhd, awg kag awg nuz awr ve chaw teq pa awr lehr, ngawx chehd liz ngawx mad mawg lehq kad chehd liz na maq gha tug, i hehd haq tawd par hax lehax gha te mar vid che yaog. 11Tawd par hax che cuhx kig awr lehr, che kheh yaog. Awg yuhd awr lehr, Ghig sa ve bon khuhd yaog. 12Yaq kaw khuhn ve chaw lehd koz che teq pa awr lehr, bon khuhd u ve haq i hehd gha kad peg liz khawd-ehg te lehq i hehd maq gha yonr tug he lehq thaer khuhq che haq maq gha vid tug, ned haeg Sar tanr lag lehq i hehd ni ma khuhn ve bon khuhd u ve haq yug kha vehr che yaog. 13Huhx meh thag lo ve chaw lehd koz che teq pa awr lehr, bon khuhd u ve haq gha kad lehq ha lehg ha ka haq yug che chaw teq pa haq koz che yaog. Kheh ma khuhd, i hehd awg chi ma cuhz nax cheaq te lehq, teq cuhx teq jaw nehax lehax yonr lehq ber che lawd cheaq gha phud ver kawq lug vehr che yaog. 14A chud de khuhn ve chaw lehd koz che teq pa awr lehr, i hehd bon khuhd haq gha kad peg che chaw teq pa yaog. Kheh ma khuhd, i hehd mig gig khod-aq lo a saq teq chehd che te yand, duhd har gad har che teq pa, paw sa che teq pa he lehq ha lehg tug awg ceng teq pa i hehd haq hoz lar lehq, awg sir nuhaq maq gha. 15Mig gig daq kig lo ve chaw lehd koz che teq pa awr lehr, daq che ni ma awg khuhn gha kad che chaw teq pa haq koz che yaog. I hehd awr lehr, bon khuhd u ve haq cuhz cid lar lehq, yeg khanr che khuhn awg sir nuhaq che yaog.
A mir khehd tox lehq khuhr luhd cuhr muhq che maq te hawg
16A mir khehd tox lehq khuhr luhd cuhr muhq lar che ma koz, tehn huhx uh tar che ma koz, chaw te ghad-eg liz maq te hawg. Kha lag che chaw teq pa awg ghiz haq gha mawg tug a mir khehd tar kig lo tar lar che yaog. 17Awg lawn ghod ver, kha khuhd ceh lar che awg ceng teq pa kha nehax gha mawg tug yaog. Su haq maq sir cuh vid gad che awg ceng teq pa liz su siar lehq, awg ghiz pawd kig lo tuhaz tug yaog. 18Kheh te lehq, nig hehd kha gha kad che teq pa haq sa tiq tar-oq. Awg lawn ghod ver, cawg che chaw haq kawq ix vid tug yaog. Mad cawg che chaw geh yawd cawg chehd-aq lehd duhd che teq pa haq liz kawq yug ve ser tug yaog,” lehd koz vid che yaog.
Yer suq awr ye he lehq awg nax var teq pa
19Yer suq awr ye he lehq awg nax var teq pa yawd chehd lo lag che yaog. Kheh ma khuhd, chaw mad jad lehq yawd chehd lo gehe mad gag. 20Su yawd haq koz vid che, “Nawr ye he lehq nawg nax var teq pa nawg haq mawg gad lehq, awg bag lo hox law chehd-aq,” lehd koz vid che yaog. 21Yawd i hehd haq kawq koz vid che, “Ghig sa ve tawd khuhd haq kad lehq na yug che chaw teq pa awr lehr, ngar ye he lehq ngag nax teq pa heh yaog.”
Yer suq muhd huh haq yug jehd vid che
22Te ni gaeg lehq Yer suq awr lehr, yawd ved awg laq ghuhd teq pa geh huh lawd kor khuhn gehe lehq i hehd teq pa haq koz vid che, “A nig ghig po nux ox pax awr khanr kae veg,” lehd koz vid lehq huh lawd kor khuhn veh che yaog. 23I hehd teq pa kae tod-ag huh, Yer suq yuhq mir ka vehr che yaog. Awg yand u ve khuhn muhd huh nux lag lehq, huh lawd kor khuhn a kaz ghig bad dawz gehag che kuhz lawq lawq he lehq a kaz thur vehr lehd te lehq, i hehd suh lawq lawq gaeg che yaog. 24Awg laq ghuhd teq pa Yer suq haq ca nuhr tu vid lehq koz che, “Jawd mawd-og, ngag hehd teq pa suh vehr tez-or,” kheh te lehq, yawd tuag lehq muhd huh he lehq ghig bad haq ded vid lehq muhd huh jehd vehr lehq ghig bad liz dehg vehr che yaog. 25Yer suq i hehd haq na lehq koz che, “Nig hehd teq pa yonr che ni ma khar lo saw veh cheawg le,” lehd koz vid che yaog. I hehd teq pa kuhz jad and jad lehq koz daq che, “Ag log, chaw che phad che a suawg le. Yawd ded ver, ghig bad he lehq muhd huh teq pa liz yawd khuhd na che law.”
Ned geh che Ger rar saq chaw haq ghu na vid che
26Kheh te lehq i hehd awr lehr, Gar liq lehd muhd mig haq tawr ghad huh chehd che Ger rar saq muhd mig lo gaeg che yaog. 27Yawd huh lawd kor khuhn tuhaz lehq pehg puhg huh mig gig thag lo gaeg che te yand, med u ve khuhn chehd che ned geh che haw khaz var te ghad yawd haq ca mawg daq che yaog. Chaw u ve awr lehr, beg ke veq kad mad veq lehq yehg khuhn liz ma chehd lehq chaw tur phuh cawg kig loa lehax chehd che muh jad vehr che yaog. 28Chaw u ve Yer suq haq gha mawg che te yand, aox vad-ag he lehq yawd mehz khuhd suhr huh kuhd veh lehq boz cuhx lar huh kug lehq koz che, “Muh jad che Ghig sa ve Yad phu Yer suq-og, a thoq te nawg ngag haq ca te soq saq tod cheawg le. Nawg ngag haq tad tuq khaq cuha laoq ngag lawg khawx che yaog.” 29Yawd u kheh koz cheawg lehr, Yer suq ned u ve teq pa haq ded lehq chaw u ve phad khuhn ghaq kog cheaq te lehq, a mig awr ver, ned chaq chiz u ve te thawz te thawz chaw u ve phad khuhn geh lehq, su yawd ved laq kuhr khi kud haq son kawng son caz yug pheh teh lar lehq chaw paog chehd che yaog. Kheh te liz saw uhx theh saw cuhz chez lar haz lehq, heh pir khuhn gawr ghad teag lo sir ve phaw veh che yaog. 30“Nawg a thoq meh cheawg le,” ghod lehq Yer suq yawd haq na lehq yawd koz che, “Ngag ved awg meh awr lehr, Ned Phoz meh che yaog,” lehd koz vid che yaog. Awg lawn ghod ver, yawd awg khuhn ned kha peh vad-ag chehd che yaog.
31Ned u ve teq pa i hehd haq nax jad che ted kag lo#8:31 nax jad che ted kag lo Muhd naz hoq haq koz che yaog. Yer suq i hehd haq maq gha yug kea vid tug, yawd haq hax ceh lawg khawx che yaog. 32Keh u ve thag huh vaq mor nux buhd cad chehd che yaog. Vaq u ve teq pa khuhn i hehd geh chehd tug, Yer suq geh i hehd a khawag lawg lehq, yawd i hehd haq a khawag pid che yaog. 33Kheh te lehq, ned u ve teq pa chaw u ve phad khuhn tuhaz lehq vaq mor u ve khuhn kawq gehe lehq, vaq u ve teq pa pehg phawd-aq lo huh cex kae lehq, a kaz khuhn saw pawz geh lehq a kaz saw ka suh vehr che yaog.
34Vaq hu par teq pa awg ceng u ve teq pa haq gha mawg lar haz lehq, i hehd cex koeq lehq med khuhn he lehq med jad med je lo cawg che khaz teq pa khuhn teq suh ca kaod koz vid-eg che yaog. 35Kheh te lehq, awg ceng u ve teq pa haq chaw kha peh vad-ag ga ca phoz ngawx-eg che yaog. I hehd teq pa Yer suq chehd lo lag gag a mehx, ned saw tuhz veh che u ve phad beg ke veq kad kha nehax veq deh lehq, chaw cehg mag he lehq Yer suq khi pad huh mi chehd lawz cheaq gha mawg lehq i hehd kuhz jad che yaog.
36Gha mawg lar haz che chaw u ve teq pa awr lehr, ned geh che chaw u ve phad khawd-ehg kheh te na vehr che awg lawn su haq koz mar vid che yaog. 37U kheh te cheaq te lehq, Ger rar saq muhd mig khuhn chehd che chaw teq pa kuhz jad cheaq te lehq, Yer suq i hehd chehd kig huh tuhez vid tug yawd haq lawg khawx che yaog.
Kheh te lehq, Yer suq liz huh lawd kor khuhn geh lehq kawq veh che yaog. 38Kheh te lehq ned tuhz veh che chaw u ve phad awr lehr, Yer suq geh kae tug yawd haq lawg khawx che yaog. Kheh ma khuhd Yer suq koz vid che, 39“Nawg ved yehg lo koeq lehq, Ghig sa nawg haq khawd-ehg taw maq ga peg che awg lawn ca koz vid-eq,” lehd koz lehq yawd haq kawq pe che yaog. Kheh te lehq, yawd kae lehq Yer suq yawd haq khawd-ehg taw maq tea lar che awg lawn teq pa med u ve khuhn saw ca koz mar vid che yaog.
Yar id ruq ve yad mid he lehq Yer suq ve a poq haq vad che yad mid
40Kheh te lehq Yer suq Gar liq lehd lo kawaq gag lehq, chaw awg mor nux yawd haq duhd law chehd cheaq te lehq yawd haq haq yug vid che yaog. 41Yar id ruq meh che bon lawg kig huh ve awg hox te chehd che te ghad phad lag lehq, Yer suq ve khi pad huh a kor pi lehq boz cuhx lar lehq, Yer suq haq yawd ved yehg lo lag vid tug lawg khawx che yaog. 42Awg lawn ghod ver, yawd yad mid a saq teq chi nid khuhq heh gaeg che yad mid te ghad lehax cawg che suh vehr tez che yaog. Yer suq awr lehr, kae che te yand, chaw mor nux kar huh biz daq caq daq te kae che yaog. 43Awg yand u ve khuhn, teq chi nid khuhq kha gag awg suhr yaq lehq nag chehd che yad mid te ghad cawg che yaog. Chaw te ghad-eg liz yawd haq ghu na vid maq gha. 44Yawd awr lehr, Yer suq kuhr tehx nuhr phawd awr veaq lag lehq, yawd ved a poq yehg ma awg jog med nehax haq vad lehq yawd suhr yaq chehd che teq pear lehax cheh vehr che yaog. 45Yer suq awr lehr, “Ngag haq a sug vad cheawg le,” lehd koz na che yaog. Chaw kheh ma ve a sug liz ma vad lehd koz daq chehd lehq Per troq koz che, “Jawd mawd-og, chaw mor nux nawg haq biz daq caq daq he lehq cehr cehr noz noz te lehq nawg haq duhq che ma hez hawg la,” lehd koz che yaog. 46Kheh liz Yer suq koz che, “Chaw te ghad ghad ngag haq vad che yaog. Awg lawn ghod ver, ngag awg khuhn kand pax tuhz veh che haq ngag juhg che yaog,” lehd koz che yaog. 47Yad mid u ve awr lehr, khuhd ceh maq gha veh che law lehz sir vehr lehq, yawd kuhz jad che khuhn tuhaz lehq Yer suq mehz khuhd suhr kuhz ched che khuhn boz cuhx lar lehq koz che, a thoq te lehq vad che he lehq yawd a nar na vehr che chaw kheh ma ve kad chehag huh koz vid che yaog. 48Yer suq yawd haq koz vid che, “Yad mid-og, nawg a nar na vehr che ix ve awr lehr, nawg yonr che haq te lehq yaog. Ha lehg duhd sa che khuhn kae lor,” lehd koz vid che yaog. 49Yawd u kheh koz chehd-ag huh, bon lawg kig awg hox ve yehg lo lag che chaw te ghad koz che, “Nawg yad mid suh vehor. Sar lar haq taq te soq saq vid-oq,” lehd koz vid che yaog. 50Tawd khuhd u ve haq Yer suq gha kad lehq Yar id ruq haq koz vid che, “Ta kuhz. Ngag haq yonr chea lehax teo. Yawd na vehr tug yaog.” 51Kheh te lehq Yer suq yawd yehg huh lag gag lehq, Per troq, Yod hanr, Yar koq he lehq yad mid nehax ve awr ye awr pa ma hez ver, chaw te ghad-eg liz yawd geh maq gha gehe cuh vid. 52Yad mid nehax u ve suh vehr cheaq te lehq su paz huhg kehd huhg chehd-ag huh, Yer suq i hehd haq koz vid che, “Taq ca huhg. Yawd maq suh ser hawg. Yuhq mir ka chehd cheawg,” lehd koz vid che yaog. 53Chaw yad nehax u ve awg cehg mag suh vehr che haq i hehd sir chehd cheaq te lehq, Yer suq haq i hehd ghig yuhg che yaog. 54Yawd yad mid nehax ve laq kuhr haq yug cid lar lehq koz che, “Yad mid-og, tu laoq,” lehd koz vid che yaog. 55Kheh te lehq, yawd ved co ha kawq gehag lehq teq pear lehax yawd tu mi vehr che yaog. Yawd haq cad tug yug vea car vid laoq, lehz Yer suq awr ye awr pa haq koz vid che yaog. 56Yad nehax u ve awr ye awr pa and jad che yaog. Kheh liz awg lawn che ve, ix mag su te ghad-eg haq liz maq gha khae mar vid tug Yer suq koz vid che yaog.
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Lud kar liq 8: lhiNT

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