Matthew 14:30-31
Common English Bible
But when Peter saw the strong wind, he became frightened. As he began to sink, he shouted, “Lord, rescue me!” Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him, saying, “You man of weak faith! Why did you begin to have doubts?”
Istraži Matthew 14:30-31
Matthew 14:30
But when Peter saw the strong wind, he became frightened. As he began to sink, he shouted, “Lord, rescue me!”
Istraži Matthew 14:30
Matthew 14:27
Just then Jesus spoke to them, “Be encouraged! It’s me. Don’t be afraid.”
Istraži Matthew 14:27
Matthew 14:28-29
Peter replied, “Lord, if it’s you, order me to come to you on the water.” And Jesus said, “Come.” Then Peter got out of the boat and was walking on the water toward Jesus.
Istraži Matthew 14:28-29
Matthew 14:33
Then those in the boat worshipped Jesus and said, “You must be God’s Son!”
Istraži Matthew 14:33
Matthew 14:16-17
But Jesus said to them, “There’s no need to send them away. You give them something to eat.” They replied, “We have nothing here except five loaves of bread and two fish.”
Istraži Matthew 14:16-17
Matthew 14:18-19
He said, “Bring them here to me.” He ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves of bread and the two fish, looked up to heaven, blessed them and broke the loaves apart and gave them to his disciples. Then the disciples gave them to the crowds.
Istraži Matthew 14:18-19
Matthew 14:20
Everyone ate until they were full, and they filled twelve baskets with the leftovers.
Istraži Matthew 14:20