Seek the Lord and Find Himनमूना

Seek the Lord and Find Him

दिन 2 का 5


Read Psalm 63:1 again today.

Where are you in your walk with the Lord? Daily, often without even realizing it, we listen to many thoughts and opinions on what to do and what not to do. Let's make it our goal to listen carefully and attentively to God in His Word. If we are going to seek Him, we must listen to His voice. Pray, asking the Lord to help you hear His voice as you read the account of Moses conveying His instructions to the people of Israel.

Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9. Listen to God's perspective. Hear His instructions. The Lord has commanded that we would not only know His Word but also live according to it and follow His ways, fearing Him and not man.

He exhorts us to do this so that we would fear the Lord our God and keep all His statutes and His commandments, which He has commanded us—all the days of our lives. Doing so will not only impact us but also those who have been entrusted to our care and those who will come after us.

Begin renewing your mind by reading the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:1-17. Listen carefully to the Lord and ask Him to help you love Him, your God, with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. Hear these commands, not as restrictive or confining, but as loving and protective.

Confess any disobedience and ask the Lord for His forgiveness. Thank Him for His love, mercy, and grace. Then ask Him to grant you repentance to enable your heart to receive, come up under, and live according to His righteous commands by grace. Remember always, though, that we are not under the law but under grace!

Think through the passages from today and how they apply to you as you go about your day. Ask God to grant you insight. What would happen if you asked God to establish His commandments in your heart and in your life? Who would it impact? I highly recommend reading Deuteronomy 5.

In the pattern of Romans 12:2, choose one Scripture from today that the Lord is using to renew your mind and transform your heart. Take this truth to heart and bring it to life by believing it and living according to it.

दिन 1दिन 3

इस योजना के बारें में

Seek the Lord and Find Him

Is the Lord your greatest passion? Do you desire to know Him more? This five-day reading plan by Thistlebend Ministries will guide you to a more intimate relationship with the Lord.
