Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity Fastनमूना

Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity Fast

दिन 4 का 28

Week 1 Theme: Preparing for the Birth of St. John the Forerunner

Day 4: Embracing the Call to Holiness

As we continue our journey of preparing for the birth of St. John the Forerunner, we come to a crucial moment where we are called to embrace the call to holiness. Luke 1:8-9 tells us about Zacharias, a righteous priest chosen by God for a sacred purpose. Like Zacharias, each one of us is chosen by God for a unique role in His kingdom.

The call to holiness is not limited to priests, Sunday school servants or religious leaders alone but extends to every believer in Christ. St. John Chrysostom beautifully expresses this truth when he says, "For they have been conducted to this dignity as if they were already translated to Heaven, and had transcended human nature, and were released from the passions to which we are liable”. This quote emphasizes that the call to holiness and the dignity it brings is not limited to a select few but is available to all who are willing to transcend their human nature.

Holiness is not merely about being morally upright or following a set of rules; it is about being set apart for God's purposes. It is a surrendering of our lives to God, acknowledging that we belong to Him and seeking to live lives that bring glory to His name.

God has chosen us to be His special possession, to be His ambassadors in the world. St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians says, “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Galatians 6:10). We have been called to be not only believers but also benefactors, not only disciples but also teachers to the world.

Embracing the call to holiness means living in a way that reflects the character of God. It involves seeking righteousness, pursuing justice, showing mercy, and walking in humility. It requires us to align our thoughts, words, and actions with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In our journey with Christ, we may face challenges and temptations that seek to pull us away from the path of holiness. However, the good news is that God's grace is available to empower us to live holy lives. It is through His grace and the transforming work of the Holy Spirit that we are enabled to live up to the calling we have received.

We are not called to walk this journey of holiness alone. God, in His infinite wisdom, has given us the gift of community - the Church. St. Cyprian of Carthage says, “there is no salvation outside of the Church” - the Church provides us with the support, encouragement, and accountability we need to grow in holiness. We gather together to worship, participate in the Holy Sacraments, to pray and to study God's Word. It is in this fellowship that we find strength and inspiration to live out our calling.

As we reflect on the call to holiness, let us remember that it is a lifelong journey. It is a daily commitment to surrender our lives to God and to allow Him to shape us into the image of His Son. It is not always easy, but the reward is great - the joy of knowing that we are fulfilling the purpose for which we were created.

Let us pray for the grace to embrace the call to holiness wholeheartedly. May we surrender ourselves to God's will, seeking to live lives that honor Him in every aspect and may our journey of holiness inspire others to seek God and walk with Him on this beautiful and transformative journey of faith.

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Journeying With Christ: The Coptic Month of Kiahk of the Nativity Fast

Embark on a transformative 4-week journey with this Nativity Fast devotional. Delve into themes of anticipation, preparation, and joy as we approach Jesus' birth. Drawing from Scripture and the Early Church Fathers, this 4-week devotional following the liturgical readings of the Coptic month of Kiahk inspires spiritual growth, illuminates Nativity's significance, and guides us to encounter God Incarnate's profound love.
