Carry the Flame - Renew Your Heart & Revive the Worldनमूना

Carry the Flame - Renew Your Heart & Revive the World

दिन 6 का 7


Most big-budget, summer action movies follow a familiar, three-act story arc. In Act One you meet the unlikely hero. An inciting incident quickly follows, creating a turning point in the hero’s life. (Will Harry Potter go to a mysterious school for wizards?) The hero makes the brave choice and enters an unknown new world. (Lucy steps through the wardrobe.)

Everything starts to fall apart during Act Two, the middle of the movie. The bad guy is winning. The world is burning. Time is running out. It seems as if things can’t get worse. Then, just before the climax in Act Three, there’s a second turning point for the hero. This is usually represented by a critical choice, a decisive action that sets the hero’s trajectory toward the final battle. (The ragtag team of superheroes who can’t get along finally put aside their differences.)

While the life of Jesus does not map perfectly onto the story arc described here, the story of Jesus washing his disciple’s feet seems like a critical choice moment. The stage is set in the first two verses: it was “just before the Passover Festival,” a busy, nationwide celebration (v. 1); Jesus knew he would die soon (v. 1); and the “villain” has been identified (v. 2). Then, in the precious hours before his crucifixion (the climax of the story), Jesus makes his critical choice: he chooses to serve his disciples through an act of incredible humility. He says, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” (v. 15).

Are you preparing for anything? Are you caring for a sick relative, uncertain of what the future holds? Is your spouse or child approaching a significant milestone? Perhaps you’re considering a job change, a new opportunity, or a significant challenge? You may not be facing a supervillain, but stressful, challenging times lay ahead for all of us. Make a critical choice as part of your preparation for the future. As Jesus demonstrated, humble yourself before God and those you love. Humbly serve those around you to prepare for what’s next. Like, Phyllis in today’s video, you may find that your understanding is “recrafted” through humble service.

Washing the disciple’s feet was just the beginning for Jesus. It was the calm before the storm of his crucifixion and victorious resurrection. It was an act of humble service for those closest to him before he faced his greatest ordeal. Prepare for the next big event in your life by doing likewise.


How do you usually prepare for challenges or changes in your life?

Is there an opportunity for you to serve others as a way of preparing your spirit for what’s next in your life?


Jesus, my Lord, you are truly incredible. Your time on earth was marked by humility, service, and love. Even with all your power, even with the crucifixion just hours away, you patiently served your disciples. What can I do to serve those around me today? Help me to do as you have done and use it to prepare me for whatever is coming next. Amen.

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दिन 5दिन 7

इस योजना के बारें में

Carry the Flame - Renew Your Heart & Revive the World

These seven devotions are based on Jim Cymbala's Carry the Flame Bible study with clips of Jim's teaching from the video series. Find out how to renew your heart and revive the world.
