How to Start a Housefireनमूना

How to Start a Housefire

दिन 5 का 8

Praise Him

Lift your eyes, lift your hands, lift your hearts and praise Him

In every moment, in every season, and in every way, He is worthy of praise. He is worthy of all that we have, all that we do and all that we are. We were created to worship and praise the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is the only One worthy of our absolute affection, adoration and attention. There is no one like Him and there never will be another like Him.

Unashamed to share His likeness with those He knew would break His heart

We were created in the very image and likeness of God Himself. The very breath of God is the breath we breathe. He has made us co-heirs with Christ and seated us in Heavenly places with Him. He has given us the mind of Christ; one set on eternity and filled with peace and hope. He knows us by name and He calls us His very own. Even knowing we would reject, mock, and disobey Him, He still chose to create us in His likeness.

He is not ashamed of us, He is well acquainted with us, He is committed no matter what the cost to saving us

God has never been surprised or caught off guard by the frailty of our humanity. Even before sin entered the world, He already had a plan in place to redeem us from the destruction and separation that sin would cause. Jesus was the plan in place before the foundation of the world. Romans 5:8 tells us “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”. He didn’t wait for us to get our act together, get it right, deserve or earn it, because we never could.

Jesus not only paid the highest price, His very life, to redeem us, He also dwelt among us. He came to seek and save the lost; to serve and not be served. There was no one untouchable by Jesus. His compassion and mercy met everyone then, and still does today. He awakens our hearts to the need of a Savior, and gives Himself freely to all who call upon Him. He brings us from death to life; from darkness into His marvelous light. He will always leave the ninety nine in search of the one.

Praise Him for all that He allows, all that He permits, all that He provides

God wastes nothing. He works all things together for our good. His love finds its way to us in every season. He is with us on the mountaintop. He is with us in the valley. We are never alone. The weeping will always expire, only lasting as long as He allows. He knows our every need, and He supplies it. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing, withholding nothing good from us. He will forever be worthy of all glory, honor and praise.


  1. In what ways has God rescued and redeemed your life?
  2. What seasons of your life has God used for your good and His glory?
  3. What are some ways you praise Him personally?
  4. What are some things God has done in your life that cause you to praise Him?
  5. How has God provided for you personally?
दिन 4दिन 6

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How to Start a Housefire

This plan was created to ignite a movement of people burning for Jesus. Packed with messages, scriptures and discussion questions, this resource is for churches & worship leaders to use in a small group setting. Our hope is that these devotionals, inspired by 8 of Housefires' latest released songs, would spark fires that would burn bright in ordinary houses all over the world.
