Victory Over Shame and Guiltनमूना

Victory Over Shame and Guilt

दिन 1 का 5

God sees you!

My four-year-old nephew loves to play hide-and-seek with me! It's definitely very easy for me…true "child's play." Why is this? Because there's no hiding place I don't know! Plus, he always makes so much noise hiding that I don't even have to see where he's going—I hear him! ;-)

Do you already see what I'm hinting at? There's not a single place where God cannot or does not see you! In the Psalms, it says, "Where could I go to escape from Your Spirit or from Your sight?" (Psalm 139:7, CEV)

Even if you hide in the darkest corner of the darkest chamber you can find, God will find you there, too, as Psalm 139 goes on to say: "But You see in the dark because daylight and dark are all the same to You." (Psalm 139:12, CEV)

When my nephew hides under a blanket or in a dark room, he always makes sure there's a little light peeking through some crack or crevice so he can see. And that's what you need, too: light! Do you know what, or WHO, that is?

Jesus said, "...'I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.'" (John 8:12, NKJV)

Perhaps, like my nephew, you're hiding "under a cover" right now. Maybe you feel ashamed for something you've done. Perhaps you're hiding because you feel it's something God would never forgive. If so, allow me to encourage you today: God has seen you, and He wants to forgive you!

Come out of hiding, and let His light in! Shall we pray for this together? "Jesus, I don't like the darkness because it distances me from You. I am so sorry that I've failed and sinned against You again. Please forgive my sin and lead me back to You! I need You. In Jesus' name, amen."

If you prayed this prayer from your heart, God forgave you! His Word promises that a broken, repentant heart He will not despise (see Psalm 51:17). Yes, YOU are forgiven today!

You are a miracle!


P.S. The texts of this reading come from the daily email called A Miracle Every Day. You are invited to receive a daily message and be blessed by the writing of Déborah Rosenkratz and Grant Fishbook . If you want to receive an email every day, click here to subscribe.

दिन 2