My Promise to You Jesusनमूना

My Promise to You Jesus

दिन 1 का 5

Partaking of the Divine Nature

“His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.”2 Peter 1:3-4 (ESV)

When I first read the passage above, it gave me great comfort. I didn't overthink it or try to dig into deeper commentaries on it. I simply took it at face value. I perceived that I was given a way to find help with many of the challenges of life I was going through. I focused on these words, "His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness …" In these words and promises, I saw a resource, even a divine power to guide me. Realizing this, encouragement coursed through me, and I felt that I had been given a kingdom secret that would guide me. It has, indeed! Listen closely. At seventy-seven years of age and forty years of following the truths that I'm about to share, I can say that they are real and will guide you to your heart's desires.

As I read further in the scripture, these other words caught my eye, "he has granted to us his precious and very great promises." At once, I knew that God's promises were given for a purpose, and the promises themselves would be my guide. Of course, early on, I was looking for a quick answer to my problems, and in some cases, the wisdom that came from God's promises would help me navigate certain challenges in life. I would discover that the promises are given for a greater purpose and, in fact, a life-changing purpose. What would that purpose be? Here's what the passage above states: "that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, …" Wow!!

You might ask how God's promises can become a vehicle for change, and it leads us to "become partakers of the divine nature?" Well, think about it. Isn't our relationship with God based on faith, and doesn't it make sense that faith needs to be reinforced to grow? I have discovered that God rewards our faith and reinforces it. He invites us to depend on Him and to trust Him. His promises are just that. They are divine messages to His children that He is aware of our needs and has a provision for them. Those needs vary, and so do His promises. That is why there are over seven thousand promises from God to people in the Bible. There's a promise for every need if we look for it and read more deeply into it to see what might lay below the surface.

I find it interesting that God makes clear His purpose and agenda for His promises. He wants us to partake of the divine nature. I believe God intends that participating in the divine nature will benefit us in two ways. The first is actually to partake of Him … to enjoy Him. THE WESTMINSTER SHORTER CATECHISM states, "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever." I believe this to be true. God wants His family to enjoy Him now and … forever. But the second reason He wants us to partake in the divine nature is to reform us to be more like Christ. The divine nature is best summarized and described by the nature of Jesus Christ and the Fruit of the Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. When we partake of the divine nature through the promises God gives us to take us there, it will lead to abiding with Him. In this proximity to Him, He rubs off on us. His nature begins to replace our old flesh nature, and it is God's purpose for our life to be recreated in the likeness of Jesus. It is called becoming Christ-like.

The promises of God will lead us to our heart's desires and God's desire for us. Let me make a case for them for the next several days and make you hungry for them. The banquet table has been set. So, dig in.

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दिन 2

इस योजना के बारें में

My Promise to You Jesus

God’s promises will lead us to our heart’s desires and God’s desire for us. Let me make a case for them for the next several days and make you hungry for them. The banquet table has been set. So, dig in.
