Shevotionals: Overcoming and Becomingनमूना

Shevotionals: Overcoming and Becoming

दिन 4 का 5

Have You Considered Your Ways?

I have considered my ways
and have turned my steps to your statutes.
I will hasten and not delay
to obey your commands. Ps 119:59-60 NIV

We live in a world where there is intense competition- in a time where success is equated to results. In Mt 3:17 God the father spoke of His Son Jesus and said: “this is my Son in whom I am well pleased.” This was at the prelude of the work Jesus was yet to do. There were no healings, no conferences, no miracles being performed. Jesus showed up and did what was required of Him to fulfil all righteousness (Mt 3:15).

In the world, levelling up is predicated by the tangible results you produce, whereas, in the Word (In Christ) you go to the next level by obedience. God always rates your success by your obedience, not your results. Don't get me wrong, results are important; but the results that God requires from you manifest from your obedience to His instructions.

So many overdo to 'show' and miss the simple things God wants them to 'know'. Have you also become so engrossed in activity that you are lacking productivity?

Remember in Num 20:7-12 when Moses, in his frustration with the nation of Israel, struck the rock twice and water burst out in abundance? Yes, the water burst forth, but it came from a place of disobedience. Moses was instructed to ‘speak’ to and not ‘strike’ the rock, and consequently, Moses was unable to enter into the promised land.

Sis, it is so important that our ways represent God as holy in the sight of others. Imagine if the people of Nineveh had not repented for their sins when Jonah preached against them (Jon 3:5,8). Would Jonah have been considered a failure? No! Jonah would still have been a son in whom God was well pleased because of his obedience (he got there in the end).

Sis, when God asks you to do something, don't worry about how to get applaudable results for show. Just go straight ahead and obey the instructions that you have been given by Him. There is always a bigger picture and just because you can't see it right now does not mean that you are not making significant impact.

Because of your obedience, lives are being saved and transformed. Keep going, you're doing great!


Lord, in this season, through dreams and visions, show me where my obedience is leading me. I will remain confident in You and will not allow the pressure from people to derail me from my expected end. Lord, keep me right on track.

I am overcoming and becoming.

दिन 3दिन 5

इस योजना के बारें में

Shevotionals: Overcoming and Becoming

What do you need to overcome in order for you to become? In this 'Shevotional' we explore 5 areas of focus that often hinder you from becoming what God desires you to be. Over the next 5 days, we will journey together through real-life reflection, relatable illustrations and intimate prayer inspired to propel you onwards and upwards into your best season yet. Becoming.
