Rebuilding Our Broken Worldनमूना

Rebuilding Our Broken World

दिन 8 का 10

Satan’s Most Valuable Weapon

By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

Anytime you begin to gain victory over sin, whenever you begin to triumph over addiction, whenever you begin to achieve consistency in your prayer life, whenever you boldly share your faith with the people around you, don’t be surprised at the spiritual opposition that comes your way. The devil’s goal is to prevent God’s people from attempting great things for God and to keep them from growing in the Christian life.

Nehemiah experienced this same principle while working to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. As their project progressed, the opposition who saw the repairs as a threat to their power and prestige began to threaten the Jews and plan to fight against Jerusalem. But Nehemiah again responded with prayer. He prayed and was watchful, setting a guard to protect the work of the people day and night -- demonstrating a perfect balance of spirituality and practicality.

But Satan didn’t stop with this bit of opposition. He employed his best weapon against Christians: discouragement. Why is discouragement such an effective weapon? It can be inflicted on the believer just after experiencing a spiritual high -- a mountaintop experience with God. But if you surrender to the spirit of discouragement, you rob yourself of hope as you surrender to Satan’s will for your life. Like Nehemiah and the people of Jerusalem, you must choose to persevere with God. God gave them the encouragement they needed to continue working and building, and He will do the same for you -- real, empowering encouragement.

The people of Israel had reached a point of physical exhaustion; they had poured themselves out in the work to rebuild, but only saw more rubble. The people had lost sight of their vision of a restored Jerusalem. But Nehemiah responded quickly to the discouragement and the rising fears of their enemies. He armed them and encouraged them, saying, “Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome” (Nehemiah 4:14).

The Lord knows your discouragement, too. Whatever you are going through, take a moment to pray -- then keep moving forward, keep doing the work God has given you to do. Prayer is your first obligation, not your last resort. And remember who is the Lord. Rest in His power and love, for He alone is great and awesome.

Prayer: Thank You, God, for reminding me of Your greatness. There is none like You. Help me to trust in You and give me courage to face whatever obstacles come my way, knowing You are with me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you” (Psalm 89:8).

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Rebuilding Our Broken World

Are the walls of your life crumbling around you? Do you mourn the brokenness of our culture? Take heart! God will show you His power and willingness to renew through the remarkable story of Nehemiah and his servant-leadership to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Dr. Michael Youssef unpacks the significance of walls in our lives and how we can be leaders in our spheres of influence to restore our lives, communities, and culture, taking us from rubble to rejoicing.
