You Chose Me Devotional by Toni Lashaunनमूना

You Chose Me Devotional by Toni Lashaun

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You Chose Me…To Inherit A Promised Future

I can't believe that You chose me...I know I'll never be worthy

If we were choosing to build a team of leaders to carry our legacy into the future, we most likely would pick people who believed in us. We would likely seek out those who spoke up in support of our objectives. It is highly doubtful that we would choose someone who relished every opportunity to slander our name. We would unlikely choose someone who actively sought to destroy the lives of those who worked with us.

But, God does things differently. God sees a Saul, turns him into a Paul, and completely changes the trajectory of his life. Saul hated the followers of Jesus Christ. He threatened them and was eager to kill them. All of that changed, however, on a mission to Damascus.

A light blinded Saul and Jesus spoke to him, instructing him to go into the city and wait for instructions. Jesus sent a very concerned (justifiably so) Ananias to let Saul know his new mission. Saul would be used to spread the Gospel to the Gentiles, kings, and the people of Israel. Saul would also suffer for the cause. (Acts 9:15-16)

Once Saul regained his sight and his strength, he immediately began preaching the message of Christ, though the people were still terrified of him. Because his testimony proved true, the tables turned, and people plotted to kill him.

Saul, also known as Paul, would go on to preach and plant churches. He faced threats, shipwrecks, sickness, and imprisonment during his ministry. Now, some might question what kind of future that is, but Paul understood that his promised future was about carrying out God's plan for his life on earth and being in the Presence of God after his life on earth (Philippians 1:21).

Paul wrote half of the books of the New Testament. Those books, inspired by the Holy Spirit, have given guidance to generations of people seeking to know Christ. By earthly standards, Paul had great qualifications as a leader in the early Church, but he knew those qualifications had no value compared to knowing Christ as Lord (Philippians 3:8).

Paul on being chosen by God:

But even before I was born, God chose me and called me by His marvelous grace. Then it pleased Him to reveal His Son to me so that I would proclaim the Good News about Jesus to the Gentiles. When this happened, I did not rush out to consult with any human being. Galatians 1:15‭-‬16 NLT

When we think about being chosen by God, it should fill us with awestruck wonder. God chooses us in spite of past failures and present fears, so we will inherit a promised future with Him for eternity.

Dear Lord and Savior,

Thank You for the promised future we have as believers. Thank You for showing us that You can use us for Your glory. Lord, please forgive us for believing that anything other than knowing You as Lord would qualify us for a future with You. Please help us proclaim Your Truth without fear because no one can ever truly stand against us if You are for us!

In the Majestic Name of Jesus, Amen!

To hear the song that inspired this devotion, You Chose Me, visit Toni LaShaun Music.

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You Chose Me Devotional by Toni Lashaun

Worship leader, songwriter, author, and educator Toni LaShaun Wortherly offers a brief exploration into being chosen by God for His Glory. This devotional plan, and the song of the same title, are written to give hope to those struggling with past failures and present fears and let them know about the promised future they can have with Christ!
