Pure Decisions Create Pure Powerनमूना

Pure Decisions Create Pure Power

दिन 3 का 8

How do we take every thought captive?

The world around us is full of impurity through movies, music, culture, advertising,  social media, the list goes on and on. If God is pure, we need to align ourselves with purity. In every sense of the word through my thoughts, words,  and actions. Ask ourselves, am I thinking in a pure way? If not, take that thought captive. 

By aligning our thoughts with the Word through Jesus. John 1:1 "In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God."

Are the words I am speaking pure? Our verse in Proverbs today tells us that we speak both life and death through our tongue. We will speak pure things and make pure decisions if we think about pure things. 

A quote I have written on my board at home is,  "Align your actions with your beliefs." If we truly believe, it changes the way we act. If we can honestly believe and trust God's design for living life with purity will produce the best fruit, we can show we trust Him by how we live, by making pure decisions. 

Lord, help me today to align my actions with my beliefs. I pray that you show me how to tame my tongue and speak what is pure. I repent of the times I have spoken, thought, and allowed myself to consume the impure distractions and pray that you would erase any material in my memory that would entice me to act out of lust, greed, or pride. In Jesus' name, Amen!

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Pure Decisions Create Pure Power

Purity is often overshadowed and frequently missed in the world loaded with constant impurities. As believers, let's decide to fill up on God's Word and strive for purity that fills us up, not leaving us in shame or bondage. We can execute in our lives with pure power by making pure decisions.
