Pandemic Pregnancyनमूना

Pandemic Pregnancy

दिन 6 का 7

For those of you that have done my previous devotionals, Love What Matters or An Active Christian, you know how much I love 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. Those that know me personally also know how vital this chapter was in the outline of my wedding and marriage.

Love covers all, but learning the hard way is inevitable. Give yourself grace. Forgive yourself for mistakes. You are the best mom. No other human alive can do what you are capable of doing for your specific children whom God picked out perfectly to belong to your heart!

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."

Give the whole chapter a read at the end of today's Devotional. It is filled with reminders I constantly affirm out loud to myself.

Is love patient? Yes. Do I always exhibit patience? Absolutely not! Patience is actually one of my worst traits, always has been. I will start something, and if it isn't finished perfectly in 2 seconds, I say, "I'm out," and my husband knows to step in and help. The phrase, "I'm out," has become a joke between my husband and me with how often I say it. But does that mean I do not have love or know love? No! It means I am imperfect, but trying. We see the things listed of what love is and isn't and we have the perfect example of love in our Heavenly Father, but will we fall short at times? Yes. The true testament to our depth of love is how we handle those shortcomings. Do I get impatient with my husband? Yes. Do I apologize, remind him I love him, and properly ask for help or guidance? I am getting better! Thank God for the road map to success that we have within our Bibles.

Give yourself grace. I was never able to do this until I became a mom. My sisters and I constantly reminded each other within our first few months of motherhood that grace has to be just as abundant as the air we breathe.

Is grace easy or hard for you? Journal about what grace means to you, how you feel about allowing grace for yourself versus others, and pray for God to allow you the ability to accept grace when needed!

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दिन 5दिन 7

इस योजना के बारें में

Pandemic Pregnancy

During a global pandemic or not, pregnancy can be hard to navigate, especially for first-time moms! Ride along with me as I discuss a multitude of topics in relation to prenatal and postpartum adventures and mishaps all while loving the experience God allows us as women to go through! This series includes journal prompts, videos, Bible verses, and challenges that will lead you as you tackle motherhood.
