How Christians Should Deal With Depression नमूना

How Christians Should Deal With Depression

दिन 5 का 5

Depression Can Be Overcome by God’s Family

Sometimes people can go through unbearable difficulties. They can be so depressed that they do not have the drive necessary to pull themselves out of the pit of despair. They know, as Christians, that they need to pray and read the Word of God, but they have no willpower to do so. Even Christ said that the human spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. This is exactly why we need to be involved in a local church.

The Bible calls a local church “a family of believers.” Every Christian needs to be part of such a family. The church family is there in the good times to celebrate Christ’s love together. It is also there in the bad times to help us when we need it the most. Many Scriptures recognize that there are times some believers are weaker than others because of their struggles. The Old Testament says that the people of God should encourage the exhausted and strengthen the feeble among them. The New Testament instructs the family of believers to be there for one another.

The Bible says that we should carry one another’s burdens. It also says that those who are strong need to help those who are weak. Those who are fainthearted need to be encouraged. That is why we need to be open with our Christian brothers and sisters about our emotional struggles. They can pray with us for the Lord to strengthen our inner selves. They can also preach the Word of God to us and encourage us in His truths until we are able to do so for ourselves.

That is also the reason we have our spiritual pastors, overseers, and mentors. The Bible says that they watch over our souls. They can persuade us in God’s truths and guide us to the help we need. Be open with your church leadership about your feelings of discouragement or depression and ask them for help that you need. No matter the depth of the emotional struggle you are in, do not be ashamed to seek the help necessary to get you out of darkness and bring you into the light of God’s love for you.

This devotional was inspired by an episode of the Straight Truth Podcast. You can listen to the episode at this link:

दिन 4

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How Christians Should Deal With Depression

In their day-to-day life, many Christians struggle with discouragement, disillusionment, or even depression. Sadly, some believers are afraid to be open with others about such emotional battles. This devotional explains how the biblical heroes handled the times of emotional turmoil that they went through. It also tells the believers how to overcome their internal struggles with the help of the Word of God and their church family.
