

दिन 3 का 7

 DAY THREE: Everything Comes from God

"The most truly generous persons are those who give silently without hope of praise or reward."— Carol Ryrie Brink.

It is very significant for you to believe that everything you own comes from God. Your house, car, gifts, talents, intelligence, and beauty all come from God. If you are struggling to accept that, I want you to ask yourself an important question. How do you perceive God? Think about that for a minute. Do you honestly accept and believe that what you have is because of God? So many people do not prosper because they have the wrong perception of God. 

Get it in your spirit that God is everything, and everything comes from Him. Everything you have, you did not give to yourself. When you handle what you have as if you gave it to yourself, you will be selfish. Yes - that’s right! You will be selfish, not generous.. You must believe that what you have belongs to God, but you must be a steward over it. When you believe this, you are able to give freely.

There also may be barriers stopping you from being generous. It’s hard for some people to give because they do not believe they will get any more money or have what they need. Think about that. You may feel that if you give to someone else, you will not have enough money to do what you want or even need to do. 

Maybe you struggle with being generous because you do not believe God will bless you or provide for you. Is your perception of God so low that you believe if you give, He can’t give you any more, so you hold on to what you have? I am not only speaking of money. I am referring to giving of your talents, gifts, time, and love. Remind yourself that you cannot beat God at giving. He owns it all, so He has it all to give. 

Daily Reflection

Take time today to think and reflect on what you are blessed with. Then take time to thank God for blessing you.

Scriptures for the day:

But who am I, and who are my people that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. - 1 Chronicles 29:14

To the Lord your God belongs the heavens, even the highest heavens, the earth and everything in it. - Deuteronomy 10:14

Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. – Job 41:11


Lord, everything that I have comes from you. It is all yours. Help me not to be attached to what I have but instead to be attached to You. Thank you for entrusting me with these blessings. I pray that I learn how to give, knowing what I have is not mine in the first place. Help me to give as it pleases you. 

दिन 2दिन 4

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Being generous is not always about money. Also, just because you are a giver does not mean you have a generous spirit, it’s about the heart and it’s about following God’s example. In this 7-day Bible Plan featuring videos, we’ll encourage you to be generous to others and to yourself. We’ll discuss your gifts, time, talents, forgiveness and you will learn the benefits of having a generous spirit.
