Shine in the Darkness - Part 2नमूना

Shine in the Darkness - Part 2

दिन 2 का 5


When the world is at its most uncertain, its most turbulent, and its most worrisome, these are often the very conditions where God chooses to do His most profound work.

And so often the way He accomplishes His purposes in these seasons, is through promptings.

Several years ago, I was driving along a highway through a snowstorm when suddenly I felt the strongest sense that I should turn my car around and pull over. With no clear sense as to why I would want to do this, I turned my car around. It was then that I noticed 3 figures walking ahead. One was a young woman, and she was holding the hands of two children.

I ran up to them and discovered that the woman’s car had run out of gas. Of course, I offered them some help, and soon we were on our way, in my car, up to a nearby town, and before long I had been able to fill her car’s tank with gas.

But it’s what happened next that reminded me of the power of God’s promptings. The woman asked me if I was a Christian. When I told her I was, she said, “I knew it. When I ran out of gas, I asked God if he could please get a Christian to stop to help me out.”

Here’s what I learned about promptings. God was going to answer that woman’s prayer, no matter what. He had simply offered to bless me by being a part of the story. If I had passed, God would have prompted someone else.

In this season of isolation, there are needs all around us and they represent opportunities to be a part of God’s story. There are people who are lonely. There are people who need reassurance. There are people who need connection.

So when someone’s name suddenly pops to mind, don’t dismiss it. God may be prompting you to reach out, to make a call, or to write a note. When you respond, you can be sure three things will happen:

· Someone will be blessed
· God’s purposes will be accomplished
· You will get to be part of a cool story

Just remember, even in this turbulent season, God is accomplishing His purposes. And He is doing it through each of us.

One prompting at a time.

Author: Scott Cochrane, Vice President International Ministries - Global Leadership Network

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दिन 1दिन 3

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Shine in the Darkness - Part 2

To shine the light of Christ in these days of uncertainty requires leaning into God, His Word, and those closest to us. In this plan, we'll lean into stories of our lives and connect them to truths from God's Word. These devotions are a collective of daily thoughts provided by staff members of the Global Leadership Network.
