Church Volume One: An 8 Day Devotional By Jesus Cultureनमूना

Church Volume One: An 8 Day Devotional By Jesus Culture

दिन 5 का 8

King Of Love - Derek Johnson

This song began as a retelling of my personal salvation experience with Jesus. I still remember the emptiness of not knowing God’s love and I’ll never forget the awakening that happened inside my soul when, in what felt like a moment, everything changed and I knew God loved me unconditionally. See, I knew my sin and my failures and I couldn’t fathom that a perfect God would love an imperfect person like me. Yet, that is the story of God’s unchanging love. Love gives, expecting nothing in return. Love chases you down even when you, in full sprint, run the opposite direction. Love dies so that you may live. Love embraces you at your lowest moment and reminds you that a hope and a future are your inheritance. And the King of Love is Jesus. 

If you’ve been saved for five minutes or fifty years, you quickly realize that following Jesus is a journey. It’s an ongoing relationship that’s truly eternal. You and I get to walk out life in communion with the God of the universe. And simply put, that changes us. It shapes our desires and refines our pursuits. Eventually you begin to see that you and I are blessed recipients of grace. 

This song crescendos in the bridge declaring “The curse of sin is broken now, no fear, no lie will hold me down.” This is to serve as a reminder that whatever our past and whatever our present, this is what Jesus had made available to us through His death and resurrection. However difficult a season or situation has been, one thing is certain, the curse of sin is broken and fear is no longer our master. That truth should cause radical transformation in the here and now. 

So today, ask yourself again, do I believe that Jesus loves me and accepts me? And if I do, how is that meeting me in the storms of life? How is that shaping my lifestyle of worship? And what areas in my life has fear come with a loud voice and warred against my hope? 

I believe Jesus is always working in our lives. I believe His love is perfect and unrelenting. I implore you today to ask God a simple question, how much do you love me?  

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Church Volume One: An 8 Day Devotional By Jesus Culture

Jesus Culture Music presents an 8-day devotional plan based on their new album, Church Volume One. Join Kim Walker-Smith, Katie Torwalt, Chris McClarney, Derek Johnson and Mack Brock as they share the meanings and verses behind songs on the record.
