Seven Fears Athletes Face; Seven Truths God Gives नमूना

Seven Fears Athletes Face; Seven Truths God Gives

दिन 6 का 7

Fear of Success

Ready: “I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” - Philippians 4:13 (NLT)

Set: This may seem backwards, but there is such a thing as fear of success. Sure, we want to be successful and do well, but in a corner of our minds, we wonder what we might do if this success goes to our heads. We can get caught up in the spotlight, on our talents, on all the championships we’ve won, and all that may not be good enough. Maybe there will never be enough of the accolades, and we will always need another win, another record, or another word of praise. We become too fixed on getting too far. 

On the other hand, what would we do if we won? Perhaps a championship has always been elusive, and we’ve began to wonder if that may be in our future. Or if we are competing against a good team, we wonder if we are worthy to compete against them.

Here’s the truth: We are already winners in Christ.

Christ went to the cross to guarantee our victory. He came out on top, scorning death and sin, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father. We can rejoice that He has won, and we are on His team! As heirs to God’s kingdom, we have more eternal success than we can ever garner here on Earth. And we can take this mentality to the playing field and come out from a perspective that the biggest game has already been won. 

It allows us to compete without fear because wherever we go in our athletic endeavors, God goes with us and just wants our company.


1. Where have you been getting your concept of success?

2. What does God have to say about success?

3. What does it mean to be a winner in God?


Psalm 1:1-3

Proverbs 3:5-6

Matthew 16:26

Overtime: “Thank You, Father, that I am not defined by my successes or failures. Thank You that Your ideas of success are different than the world’s, and that what You say is fruitful that brings life and goodness. Please help me to humble my heart in offering to You, with my sport, with my interactions with others, and with my everyday life actions. Amen.”

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