Roaring Twenties Fastनमूना

Roaring Twenties Fast

दिन 5 का 21

All Access

"And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness [2] for forty days, being tempted by the devil. And he ate nothing during those days. And when they were ended, he was hungry." (Luke 4:1–2)

In our passage today, we find Jesus fasting for 40 days.  But the context of this fast is fascinating.  In the passages prior,  Jesus finds himself being baptized by John the Baptist.  It was then that Scripture records the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus like a dove.  Now, full of the Holy Spirit,  Jesus is led into this time of fasting. I’d like to describe fasting as an anointed practice for specific spiritual purpose:  accessing the power and presence of God which cannot be recognized any other way. 

Biblical fasting is always accompanied by time devoted to prayer and the study of God’s Word in place of physical food. Without these,  fasting would be a pointless, crazy diet.  With these,  the voice of God will speak so clearly as we learn to crave spiritual food more than physical.  


Lord Jesus, I thank you that prayer and fasting is an all access pass to your power and very near presence. Help me during the #roaringtwentiesfast to take full advantage of the opportunity I have to to hear your voice and discover your purposes. 

-Jon Groves

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दिन 4दिन 6

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Roaring Twenties Fast

In this 21-day plan, Dr. Malachi O’Brien, Matt Brown, Yale Kim, and other Christian leaders and ministries are urging and supporting a call for one million people, especially young people, to fast and pray in this #roaringtwentiesfast as we enter into the Roaring Twenties.
