Mama Needs A Do-Overनमूना

Mama Needs A Do-Over

दिन 7 का 7

The Toolbox

I like to take the concept of a toolbox and apply it to turning our hard moments around. I can make myself an arsenal of tools that will be ready for me to grab when I need them.

1) Strength (Isa. 40:28-31)
2) Courage (Ps. 31:24)
3) Perseverance (Rom. 5:1-5)
4) Salvation (1 John 5:11-13)
5) Truth (Ps. 86:11)

These five things are a start. But there is much more you can put in your toolbox. Look at your situation and see what you need. Patience? Peace? Mercy? The tools at your disposal are countless.

When you think of a tool you need, find Bible verses to go with it, and make yourself a list. Keep it wherever works best for you. I like using my iPhone, but a written list with pen and paper works just as well. Then refer to that list every time you feel the need for that tool. It is amazing how much it will help you find all the humor and release that you need to get through the hard days.

Then add in the humor. It’s okay if you laugh while quoting Scripture. It doesn’t have to be all serious and stoic. God created laughter, and He loves it when we enjoy ourselves! If you don’t find anything funny, then find the delight. Shout it out to Him in a spirit of rejoicing. Think of humor as the salt to a whole meal. It isn’t the biggest ingredient, but it makes everything else taste much better.

It looks like this: crisis moment… stop and breath… think of verses that will help you find what you need (strength, patience, and so on)… pray… relax… laugh… reset activity (these are covered in the actual book)… back to your day.

I know it sounds so easy, but it definitely is not. Especially at first. You are fighting your habits and your nature and reversing your usual responses. But I promise that in time (and not a long time either!) it will become a new habit and you will become a new creature.

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दिन 6

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Mama Needs A Do-Over

Hang on mom—there’s joy to be found under all those dirty dishes! This is a motherhood survival guide from popular blogger Lisa Pennington and her new book "Mama Needs a Do-Over."
