Lessons From My Gardenनमूना

Lessons From My Garden

दिन 4 का 12


You could plant a large garden full of seeds, and hope and pray they will sprout, but unwatered seeds will not germinate. 

No matter how carefully you plant them, how rich the soil, or how long you wait, without consistent daily watering there will be no beginning or growth. All your initial hope for a grand harvest can never happen. The seed will remain only a seed. 

For seeds to germinate in the sandy soil and heat of my Oklahoma garden, I often need to water several times a day. Watering takes time and intention. Even full-grown plants need regular, deep watering, or they will shrivel and die. 

It is the same with our own spirits. Spiritually, we cannot and will not thrive without the regular, deep watering of the Word of God. We cannot survive on the sprinkles of the daily verse or even a few. Without spending time in God’s Word for refreshing and aligning, our minds and hearts will succumb to the harshness of life. We will suffer our own spiritual drought and be left with dryness and thirst. Without spending consistent time filling our hearts and minds with the Truth, we will find ourself willing to reach for anything we falsely believe may quench our parched soul. 

An automated sprinkler system in my garden is set to come on in the early morning hours and runs for thirty minutes. This specific time ensures that the plants will get the consistent moisture needed to survive the scorching sun of the day. 

Morning is also the best time for your soul to drink deeply and connect with Living Water before the chaos of the day begins. As you make time to come before your Father, He meets you in your need. You will gain His power to press forward and His peace to calm your mind. With the regular watering of His Word, the seed He planted in your heart will grow, thrive, and bear a great harvest for His Kingdom.

Do you have a specific time set for the watering of your soul? 

Is your heart sad, lonely, or depressed? Add more water!

Spending regular time in the Word of God is vital to your life, health, and growth. 

दिन 3दिन 5

इस योजना के बारें में

Lessons From My Garden

Plants and vines, water and soil—so many analogies used in God’s Word surround gardening and farming practices, presenting parallels for our life and heart. Come join Robin as she shares some of her thoughts from the combining of two of her greatest passions—gardening and the Bible.
