

दिन 2 का 3


We have a special “safe room” in our basement. It’s a place under our porch that in times of trouble, i.e. tornado, my wife and I and all four kids go to for shelter. When you first enter this room, it’s kind of dirty, pitch black, full of cobwebs. There are just a few bare essentials in it like bottled water, a transistor radio, some batteries, flashlights and anything else we might need to survive a short period in times of natural disasters that could otherwise be a life or death situation. The kids are always frightened when we first go in because it’s so dark. Yes, we have a light switch in the room but oftentimes, the power goes out and there is no light available. Thanks to those flashlights on reserve and possibly a few of our kids' tablet devices, we are able to light up a situation that would otherwise be completely dark and hopeless.

This is how Christ applies to our life as well, except with Christ, His light NEVER goes out. It is not dependent on batteries, electricity or any other destructible source of energy, but rather, His light is indestructible. There is a hope in Christ that is like no other. Only through Jesus, can the darkest moments be lit up with an uncontainable light that reveals the heavens and God’s love for you. 

As strange as it sounds, our greatest moments are built upon how we handle life’s obstacles. Will you throw in the towel on your faith because it didn’t make sense to you or will you show yourself approved, diligent to remember His promise and run the race that is set before you? As you sit in the dark in what feels like an eternity of a season, remember the lamp that is before you and ready and willing to be your guide. Jesus wants to illuminate a new path that you haven’t seen before and He wants you to follow it.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिन 1दिन 3

इस योजना के बारें में


The power of God is strong in my life and I know that I am more than a conqueror until a situation occurs that I don't have an answer to. God feels distant and I'm frustrated by what has happened. My plans have shifted and now I’m confused. Take a journey with Pastor Jeff Gwaltney as he takes a look at how God’s number system works in our lives.
