The Reset नमूना

The Reset

दिन 6 का 7


When you read Job 42, you find Job praying for His friends that are not in right standing with God. God accepts Jobs prayers and blesses Him with more than He had lost in the first place.

1 Timothy 2:1 instructs us to pray and intercede for all people. Why? Because the Lord desires for all men to come to the knowledge of who He is and be saved.

At times we spend so much time discouraged or complaining and gossiping about the wrong in people, or how far they are from God instead of simply praying for them. 

Prayer changes things but it also changes people. If you desire to see change in your loved ones or even in your boss, maybe you need to put a lot more time praying for them. Prayer changed us, so it can truly change another person. You are here because of the prayers of another. There is power in consistent prayer!

In Matthew 19:23-26 you find Jesus speaking to the disciples about the difficulty of a rich man entering the kingdom of heaven. The question is then asked, “who then can be saved?” and Jesus responds, “with men this is impossible but with God all things are possible.”

It's possible with God to see a sibling or friend in their right mind or out of a toxic situation. It's possible with God to see a change in your parents and whoever else! It's possible to see an individual return back to God. You just have to partner with Him.  

Maybe one of the greatest blessings you’ll  receive from praying for someone consistently, is seeing God redeem and transform them. It truly does grow your faith, you may not see an immediate result, but it doesn’t mean you stop praying. The prayers don’t have to be deep, just earnest.

Praying for others, deals with selfishness. It’s not always about you, it can also be about someone else. 

So, dedicate some time today to make a list of people that you are committing to pray for. Once you have a list, spend 5 minutes praying for each person on your list.


Prayer Points

  • Ask God to give you the grace to love and see them the way He does.
  • Ask God to draw the heart of the individual to  Him.
  • Pray for any issues that they may be going through and ask God to protect them. 
  • Pray for an opportunity to share the gospel with them and to plant small seeds of faith in them. 
दिन 5दिन 7

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The Reset

The Reset is a devotional created to refresh you and to help you set your focus back on who really matters, God. Your source. This is a 7 day devotional, created to empower you through the word.
