A Thankful Heartनमूना

A Thankful Heart

दिन 4 का 5


“The King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” Matthew 25:40

The best way of saying thank you to God is taking care of the least of the Lord’s brethren by helping those in need: the widows, the orphans, those who are sick, prisoners, or people who are without food or clothing. What does it cost to say thank you to the shop attendant? What does it cost to say thank you to the waitress who just served you a tasty meal?

What about your spouse who has been so faithful to you for many years? Show your appreciation by giving them something you know they’ll love. You can’t take money with you to heaven. And be just as generous with words of affirmation. My younger son bought some cattle recently, and he asked me to have a look at them and say what I thought of them. I responded that I could not have done better, and saw his face light up when he said, “Thanks, Dad.” 

Affirmation is so important in a world that is so negative. So don’t leave for tomorrow what you can do today. Be gracious to one another, because it costs absolutely nothing.

Be kind and considerate to your colleagues, your friends, and strangers too. Offer to carry a bag for the elderly woman at the airport or offer her your seat on the bus. Respect your elders, remembering that you too will one day get old. Do all you can to sow into the kingdom of God, bearing in mind that what you do for someone on earth is the same as ministering to Jesus Himself.

Jesus, I pray for a supply of kindness that flows straight from You into the ones You set in my path. Show me how to be generous and loving today. Amen.

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दिन 3दिन 5

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A Thankful Heart

There is so much to be grateful for, so much to thank God for. When we realize that every breath is a gift from the Lord our hearts fill with overwhelming thankfulness. Discover the wonders of gratitude with this 5-day reading plan from Angus Buchan.
