Jesus Revealed Pt. 6 - Jesus Satisfies Like No Otherनमूना

Jesus Revealed Pt. 6 - Jesus Satisfies Like No Other

दिन 1 का 7

Jesus feeds 5000 people  

Thoughts on the Passage

This story is given in all four of the gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Each gospel gives the story a different emphasis to describe something specific about Jesus. In the gospel of John, this story sets the stage for understanding Jesus as the Son of God. This week, we will follow the concept of Bread and how it describes Jesus.

It starts with a description of people getting ready for the Passover feast – this feast described God’s deliverance of His people from slavery in Egypt. This feast begins the feast of unleavened bread which was celebrated for one week after Passover. Also, this time begins the first fruits celebration – when the barley harvest was celebrated and the grain was brought to God as a thanks offering [the wheat harvest came later and the first fruit of that was celebrated later at Pentecost]. In many ways this season represents “new things”. It was their new calendar year; it represents Israel starting out as a new nation, a new harvest beginning, a new season of bread and finally a new season of celebrating what God did for the people in giving them bread from heaven when they left Egypt – the manna that God gave His people. All of these become important in John 6.

Today we just celebrate this amazing miracle. Jesus took a little boy’s lunch – of barley loaves and 2 small fish – and He fed a huge multitude of people. It was a miracle beyond anything the disciples had seen. To feed thousands and thousands of people with just a simple lunch was beyond their expectation and their comprehension. 

Sometimes, we think that the size of the problem makes the miracle more difficult – it is not in God’s eyes. Every problem is a small one to Him; even when they are too large for us. Also, God knows what He wants to do – we just need to take the time to find out what it is He wants done, and then move with Him. Too often we come with our solution to the problems we face and expect God to solve it that way. God wants us to see His solution. It will often start with what is in our hands – what has God given us already. 

For our problems today - what is in our hands?


For our big problems and little problems - bring them to God.

Look what is in our hands. It may be too little in our eyes. God wants to use it. 

It may be too little time in our day to do the things God wants us to do; too little resources to accomplish the task God wants us to do; too little opportunity; our influence is too small to change things in our community; too little faith – all that we think is “too little”, that, God will and can use.

What is “too little” in our lives? Let’s offer it to God.

Time to Pray

Father, our lives are filled with things that are too little. Often, we look at what is in our hands rather than the God who will take it and use it. Today, I want to look into my hands and see what is here and offer it to You. It is not the size that is important, it is what You want to do with it. That is what I want to know today. What will You choose to use my “too little” to accomplish today? Here it is. Take it, bless it, and release it. When I look back, I know it will accomplish everything You intend. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

पवित्र शास्त्र

दिन 2

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Jesus Revealed Pt. 6 - Jesus Satisfies Like No Other

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