Be Encouragedדוגמה

Be Encouraged

יום 3 מתוך 5

There is a saying, “God won’t put more on you than you can handle.” There have been several articles written lately to dispute this statement, with the idea that there are things we cannot handle by ourselves. On the surface, I agree with that simple premise, knowing John 15:5 states, “Without me ye can do nothing.” Yet there is a deeper truth to be learned from that saying. As we consider the Scriptures, we find God does have control of what we face. 

Titus 2:14 tells us, “Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.” The word peculiar in this verse does not mean we are strange. Peculiar is from the Greek periousion, which is made up from two words meaning “to be” and “around.” This is illustrated like a dot with a circle around it. The dot represents you. The circle represents God. The illustration from that word peculiar means as a child of God:

You are at the center of God’s affection. God is all around you. You belong to Him. You are the apple of His eye. God loves you. Period. 

You are at the center of God’s attention. No matter how alone you feel, no matter how desperate the situation, God knows where you are. Hebrews 13:5 reminds us, “For he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.” When you feel alone, rest assured that God is with you, and you have His undivided attention. 

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Be Encouraged

This 5-day reading plan is to find passages that will remind us that we can equip ourselves to face daily burdens, as well as life’s darkest seasons. Read along to seek not the right answers but faithful comfort in the Scriptures.
