Dwell | Proverbsדוגמה

Dwell | Proverbs

יום 6 מתוך 7

The Path to Success


Hi, this is Jessika, and welcome to Dwell.

For the next few minutes, I invite you to join me as we recenter upon the Lord by opening our hearts to hear from him through the words of Scripture.

Thanks for joining us.


As we begin, let's sit in silence for a moment, seeking to be attentive to the presence of God, the one in whom we live and move and have our being.


Today's passage comes from Proverbs 16:2-3.

People may be pure in their own eyes but the Lord examines their motives. Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed.(NLT)


So often, I hear people say, ‘But I’m a good person,’ ‘I do good things,’ and ‘I give to charity,’ although this may be true, sadly, this simple belief doesn't hold much weight. You see, God sees our hearts. He sees those negative traits that we may not recognize within ourselves or even perceive as negative. He digs deeper, going beyond the flesh to a place where human eyes can’t reach - our souls.

Our Father examines the motivation behind each action that flows from our hearts. What propels your good deeds? Is it for applause? Pride? Is it for self-aggrandizement or contractual gain?

We cannot be the judge of what is pure in our own eyes. The Holy Spirit is our God-given measure, the seal upon our hearts, that we must invite to identify whether our ‘pure’ motives are with God or apart from God.

Like a sift used for gold panning, separating the river sediment from the gold, it leaves behind what is valuable. The Holy Spirit is our sift, our Helper, separating the pure from the dross.

Active Response

In response, let's return to the truth from today's passage one more time and spend a moment in quiet reflection:

God sees my intentions; I will find success in His embrace.

Closing Prayer

Heavenly Father, today we ask that you perform spiritual surgery on us. Reveal to us where we are falling short of your glory. Reveal what is hidden within our hearts and uproot all that is not of you. Bring us to the place of surrender so that our plans may succeed. In Jesus' Name, we pray, Amen.


Now, go in peace, and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

יום 5יום 7

על התכנית הזו

Dwell | Proverbs

Proverbs offers timeless wisdom for daily living, inviting us to walk in the way of righteousness and integrity. This collection of sayings provides practical advice on living a life pleasing to God and as a blessing to others. In this plan, the team at Dwell leads you through seven of the most impactful Proverbs, encouraging you to embrace the timeless wisdom of God and apply it to your everyday life.
