New Life, New You, New Wineskinדוגמה

New Life, New You, New Wineskin

יום 1 מתוך 3

Don’t Miss Jesus

Today, let's immerse ourselves in the vibrant scene where Jesus, the ultimate Bridegroom, is questioned about fasting. Picture the festive atmosphere of a wedding celebration - Jesus says that's how we should feel with Him around! His response to the question about fasting reveals a profound truth: while He is present, it's a time for joy and celebration. Just like the wedding guests wouldn't fast while the groom is with them, we shouldn't miss out on the joy of His presence by getting caught up in old traditions or rituals. Let's reflect on how often we focus on our problems and past experiences, missing the guidance and freedom Jesus offers. Today, let's open our hearts wide to His presence, embracing His love and celebrating life with Him!

Points for Reflection:

1. Are there areas in your life where you're missing Jesus because you're caught up in traditions or focused on problems?

2. Explore how you can embrace the freedom Jesus offers and celebrate life with Him.

כתבי הקודש

יום 2

על התכנית הזו

New Life, New You, New Wineskin

Explore the parables of the bridegroom, new patches, and wineskins, discovering profound truths about not missing, mixing, or playing Jesus in our lives. Engage in self-reflection and prayer, inviting a fresh perspective and surrender to the transformative power of Jesus.
