TheLionWithin.Us: Choosing Your Circle: The Power of Influenceדוגמה

TheLionWithin.Us: Choosing Your Circle: The Power of Influence

יום 3 מתוך 3


As we approach the end of this powerful verse we come to the last verb of discussion - sit.

In honor of Mrs. Hodges, we know that she would define sit as adopting or being in a position in which one's weight is supported by one's buttocks rather than one's feet and one's back is upright. While that is true, albeit a bit funny, once again she only touches the surface of what this verb means in the backdrop of this verse.

Scripture paints a clear picture of the guard we should keep when it comes to sitting with the wrong company. When we sit with others, we are demonstrating our individual desire to participate with the other party. It has a level of intimacy and connection that is hard to dispute.

Take for instance when we sit down for a meal. Be it a table or booth or even couch for that matter, the fact is when we make the decision to sit down with others and break bread we are inviting the other parties into our life. We talk, we laugh, we cry and there is a level of connection that happens at a meal that cannot be replaced. This is why many dates must include some form of dining as it truly is a setting where authentic vulnerability can manifest.

The issue lies when we make the erroneous decision not to simply sit down but with who we choose to sit down with. To clarify the flack before it comes, we are not referring to when we sit with others to show the love of Christ to them and prayerfully share the Gospel, Jesus sat with tax collectors and sinners regularly yet He never once participated in said sin. The reason Jesus was so effective at doing this regularly was that He is God and let’s face it, we are not. So, outside of those evangelistic events, having a boundary of who we choose to sit down with is key to our spiritual maturity and overall growth as a leader.

Our desire should be to have open, transparent, and authentic opportunities with fellow believers where we are sitting down and helping each other grow closer to God. A fruitful exercise would be to look back at the last few meals you had with others and identify where God showed up in the conversation. As you think through those instances, recognize the relationships that may be harming your spiritual growth and at the same time consider that if someone sits down at the table with you are you pulling them closer to God or pushing them further away?

One item that jumps out of this verse is the individual choice we get to make daily on who we walk, stand, and sit with. While the easier path is to simply go with the flow this can often lead to destruction. Making the right choice begins with surrendering our will to His and choosing to pick up our cross and follow Him daily. No matter where you are, if you walk, stand, and sit with the Holy Spirit you will have ample opportunities to honor and glorify Him!

Questions to Consider

  1. When others sit down with you, do you find yourself drawing them closer to God, or could there be instances where the opposite occurs? How can you be more intentional about your influence?
  2. How can you establish boundaries that encourage spiritual growth while still being open to evangelistic opportunities?


Thank You

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כתבי הקודש

יום 2

על התכנית הזו

TheLionWithin.Us: Choosing Your Circle: The Power of Influence

The company we surround ourselves with has an impact on our ability to lead - both positively and negatively. Often we bend our personalities to fit into our given environments which leads to the propensity to compromise values that normally we would hold in high regard. There are three scenarios that we will examine from scripture as leading indicators of when we should reconsider our environment - let’s dig in.
