Jesus, Our Great High Priestדוגמה

Jesus, Our Great High Priest

יום 2 מתוך 4

Jesus, the Only Mediator

We’ve taken a look at the truth that culture can detract from the supremacy of Christ, but let’s clarify: culture in and of itself isn’t evil. In Revelation 7, we read that one day all nations, tribes, languages, and people will stand before God’s throne and worship Jesus. Each different culture in some way glorifies God and reflects His image.

Sadly, however, embedded in every culture are practices that undermine God’s authority. For example, when I was growing up, people around me would consult the spirits of their ancestors for answers about unsatisfactory circumstances. But the Bible – like today’s passage from 1 Timothy – is clear that we don’t need the spirits of our ancestors to mediate on our behalf.

The idea of a mediator between God and people was part of ancient Jewish culture. The tribe of Levi were priests for the people, and among the priests was an even more exclusive group of high priests, or mediators. High priests were the only people allowed to offer sacrifices on behalf of the people (and themselves, because they were sinful too). They did this in the temple’s holy of holies once a year, on the Day of Atonement. The writer of Hebrews explains that God appointed Jesus as our perfect High Priest, the only one capable of atoning for our sin. More than that, He’s a High Priest who sympathises with us in the struggles of life.

Sometimes when we find ourselves in a dark place, it feels like no one understands what we’re going through and no one ever will. This is a lie from the enemy who wants to isolate us from God. The truth is we’re not alone, and someone definitely understands. Jesus walked the earth as we do, facing the same struggles and circumstances we face. He was tempted as we are but, unlike the high priests in the temple, He never had His own sin to atone for. His sacrifice was just for us.

Jesus told His disciples time and again to come to Him. He made a way for them to draw near to the Father, and He makes a way for us too. Let’s determine once more to hold fast to our confession of faith in Jesus. Let’s remind ourselves that He who promises is faithful, no matter how difficult life gets. How incredible that we don’t have to look for other ways to get to God. Jesus is our only mediator and our great High Priest. We’re invited to look to the One who understands our weaknesses, and in whom there is mercy and grace available for our time of need.

יום 1יום 3

על התכנית הזו

Jesus, Our Great High Priest

Most of us aren’t familiar with the role of high priest, so Jesus being described that way in scripture seems rather unremarkable – just another of His many titles. But Godfrey Mmagawo has experienced otherwise. In this four-day plan, he shares how an easily overlooked piece of ancient Jewish culture has major implications for how we engage with culture today.
