Through God's Eyesדוגמה

Through God's Eyes

יום 7 מתוך 10

As believers, we know that Christ is coming again one day. Maybe even sooner than we imagine. The Second Coming of Christ is one of the strongest motivations for sharing the Good News. In this chapter, let’s study how it relates to sharing the Good News.

We will dive into three prophecy stories by Jesus, Peter, and John. Their prophecies are related and show the importance and urgency of sharing the Gospel because that will bring Christ’s return.

The first prophecy is when Jesus explains in Matthew 24:14 that “The Gospel will be preached to all the nations AND THEN the end will come.” Remember that the word “nations” means peoples.

There is a sequence of events in what Jesus said that we want to pay attention to. Firstly, the sequence is that the gospel will be preached ALL over the world. Second, the gospel will be a testimony to ALL nations (countries). And thirdly, then the end will happen. Jesus shared this with his disciples who approached Him. Jesus explained to his disciples what will happen.

In the second prophecy, Peter explains the reason for “delay” (although it is not a delay) in 2 Peter 3:9: “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Peter said this after People’s complaining and doubt of Christ’s return (2 Peter 3:4). Even when people doubt or complain. Peter has reminded us that Jesus is compassionate and patient with us. He truly wants to have a relationship with us.

In the third prophecy, John shares his vision about Christ’s return and why Christ needs to return. Let's go ahead and get to watch Revelation 5:9-10. Jesus is worthy of the reign. He alone is perfect, and His sacrifice is perfect; thus, ONLY He is worthy to return and take the reign of Earth. This is why Jesus is returning to end and remove sin from Earth to the very end.

To be honest, for people in general, when they hear the world will end, it sounds like a scary thought, and they feel like we need to do something urgent before the time is done.

Jesus has promised us that He may return at any time. Or even maybe today. And that God’s purpose is to have His good news go around to the whole world. That purpose becomes our mission for God. We have the fire of the holy spirit to urgently tell people about Jesus, even when it means reaching the unreached.

And part of the unreached is the Deaf community in different countries that has yet to know Jesus.

What is that fire inside you, and where is it telling you to go?

יום 6יום 8

על התכנית הזו

Through God's Eyes

This video plan has been created to give believers an understanding of God’s heart for the nations and the roles He calls His people to play in bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth through missions. This video plan is in American Sign Language.
