21 Day Favor Fastדוגמה

21 Day Favor Fast

יום 4 מתוך 21


Prayer Topic: Pray for a deeper love for God and others.

Devotional: Love is at the heart of the Christian faith. As we read in 1 Corinthians 13, Paul shares that love has certain characteristics and attributes. Of the characteristics shared we are always a little short somewhere. In prayer today go to God not with the love you have figured out but rather the character of love you need improvement on. Then boldly go to God and request what you need more of when it comes to love.

During this fast, let's pray for a deeper love for God and others. Let's seek to embody the characteristics of love described in this passage, allowing love to guide our actions and attitudes.

Quote: "Love is not an emotion; it is a policy and a state of benevolence." – Fulton J. Sheen

Reflection 1: Reflect on your understanding of love. How can you grow in expressing love to those around you, especially to those you find challenging to love?

Reflection 2: Consider the ways God has shown His love for you. How can His love be a source of inspiration and motivation for your love toward others?

יום 3יום 5

על התכנית הזו

21 Day Favor Fast

Start your new year with this 21-Day Favor Fast! Whether you're a seasoned faster or new to the concept, this fast is open to everyone who desires to draw closer to God. This is not just about abstaining from certain foods or activities; it's about aligning our hearts and minds with God's will. Together, let's embrace this opportunity to seek God's face.
