Fine Printדוגמה

Fine Print

יום 2 מתוך 4

Refined By Fire

The goal of the Christian life is not comfort but to bring praise, glory, and honor when Jesus is revealed. How does this happen? Peter answers in 1 Peter 1:2, it is "through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, being obedient to Christ," and in 1 Peter 1:7, being “refined by fire."

Sanctifying means to make something holy, set apart, consecrated. The Holy Spirit sanctifies us by the 'refining fire" as we are much more than precious gold. Let us explain. It is not like an exam or some cruel process that God puts us through, but instead that he uses every test and trial to refine our faith. Our faith is precious because it is on which our salvation rests. Gold is tested by fire and reveals impurities. It's incredible how in trials, our impurities of heart rise to the surface. Trials let us know the state of our hearts and allow God to work on us. To help us let go of the things that are not good for us and retain the things that are pure and of worth.

The key to walking through is to let your endurance grow. James 1:2-3 says to consider it pure joy. Trials also reveal gaps in our knowledge of God and our spiritual maturity. This is why we are encouraged to count it all joy. When we endure the trials, we become more complete in our faith. Until the day we will know God completely.

Suffering gives us the power of perspective.

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. Romans 8:18

In Romans, Paul is talking about both the suffering of persecution and the everyday suffering of living in a broken world. Paul experienced hunger, danger, imprisonment, and torture. Yet, he says he does not consider them comparable with the coming glory. When we shift into this heavenly perspective, like Paul, we can start to see the present sufferings as minor and not even worthy of comparison with what it will be like to be in his glory forever.

Prayer Point: Lord, I ask that as I walk through the refining fire that you would let my endurance grow. As I trust in you as my provider, comforter, counselor, and healer, give me your perspective and help me to understand you more as I consider it pure joy.

יום 1יום 3

על התכנית הזו

Fine Print

As Christians, we need a sober and biblically-based expectation of life. Life is to be enjoyed, but it will not always be enjoyable! Jesus prepared his disciples thoroughly for trials and testing, suffering and persecution. Our God is faithful and comforts us in every trial, so we invite you to come with us in this devotional as we learn to navigate the valleys of life in faith.
