10 Things That Must Be Involved in Your Thanksgivingדוגמה

10 Things That Must Be Involved in Your Thanksgiving

יום 3 מתוך 6


Today, we will move on to three additional things that must be involved in your thanksgiving.

(3) It must be the product of deep-thinking

When you think deeply, you will thank widely. Thoughtful people are usually thankful people, while thoughtless people are thankless people. When you think, you will thank people, junior people, colleagues, and seniors, just thank people and appreciate what they've done for you. You had an occasion; people came, it is good for you to thank them and appreciate them.

(4) It should be sincere

It should come out of your heart, sincerely. Let everyone involved know that you really mean it, are not faking it, and are sincere about the thanksgiving.

(5) It should be heartfelt

It should not be like a comedian that is joking about something. Thanksgiving is a serious business with heaven, and as human beings, we must learn to say a heartfelt thank you. Being thankful to God for all His blessings is truly the mark of a Christian. It is one of the most powerful spiritual activities a child of God can do.

One of the things I like about America is that they have a National Day of Thanksgiving. No matter what you say about Nigeria, I think Nigeria should have a National Day of Thanksgiving. God has been good to this country. Many evils have entered our country, and somehow, God shielded us.

PRAYER: Father, I am grateful. I just want you to know that I am thankful and I am glad for your wonderful works. Amen.

כתבי הקודש

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

10 Things That Must Be Involved in Your Thanksgiving

Without deep thinking, there is no thankfulness. Thanksgiving goes beyond a special day on your calendar; it is a time to give a heartfelt appreciation to God for what he has done for you personally. In this 6-day devotional, you will learn critical components of thanksgiving.
