Daily Devotion With Ron Mooreדוגמה
Four Days Dead
Lazarus was four days dead. When Jesus said, “Lazarus, come out,” the dead man responded. Lazarus stood up and shuffled out of the tomb. His resurrected body still showed signs of death—strips of linen wrapped around his body and a burial cloth around his face.
John 11:44
The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”
Then Jesus instructed those with him to take off the grave clothes and let Lazarus begin to live again. Notice that Jesus did what only he could do—give life. Then he let others do what they could do—take off the grave clothes. I find that amazing and instructive.
We are dead in our sins. Only Jesus can breathe life into our hearts. Then he gives us the invitation to help others take off their grave clothes of guilt, unworthiness, legalism, pride, and baggage of the past. What a tremendous privilege. Jesus raises the spiritually dead and then allows us to set the new believer free!
Lord Jesus, thank you for raising us from spiritual death. And thank you for giving us the privilege of taking off the grave clothes. Thank you for the amazing partnership you allow us to have in developing other believers. In your name. Amen.
כתבי הקודש
על התכנית הזו
What does your Journey look like? This practical daily devotion from Ron Moore will encourage, challenge, and strengthen you along the way. It includes a verse or brief passage from Scripture, a thoughtful commentary, and a prayer for every day of the year.