You And Me Forever: Marriage In Light Of Eternityדוגמה

You And Me Forever: Marriage In Light Of Eternity

יום 23 מתוך 30

"Sowing & Reaping"

You reap what you sow. 

This is true of marriage, and it’s true of all of life. If you’re planting rose seeds, don’t be surprised when rose bushes spring up. If the seeds you’re planting come from weeds, don’t be surprised when your garden gets overrun. 

What have you been sowing in your marriage? What do you put into it? 

Selfishness? Bitterness? Harsh words? Personal attacks? If so, you’ll reap what you sow. 

But if you are doing the difficult work of dying to yourself and planting love, self-sacrifice, reliance on the Spirit of God, and a constant refocusing on Jesus into your marriage, you’ll reap what you sow. 

And be sure to think beyond your marriage. What are you sowing with your lives? Are you pursuing God’s kingdom in what you sow, or are you sowing selfish seeds that you hope will blossom into temporary blessings that don’t fit the mission God has given you? A healthy marriage sows for the kingdom of God. A dysfunctional marriage attempts to sow for fleeting happiness, but the garden gets overrun by the worst kinds of weeds.

Discuss with your spouse: What would you say you have been "sowing" into your life and your marriage? What have you been “reaping” as a result?

כתבי הקודש

יום 22יום 24

על התכנית הזו

You And Me Forever: Marriage In Light Of Eternity

In this 30-day reading plan, Francis and Lisa Chan set aside typical approaches to talking about marriage and dive into Scripture to understand what it means to have a relationship that satisfies the deepest parts of our souls. In the same way that Crazy Love changed the way we view our personal relationships with God, You and Me Forever will shift the way we view our marriage relationships.
