Lessons From the Book of Jobדוגמה

Lessons From the Book of Job

יום 3 מתוך 5

Stand Strong Against the Accuser

One day the members of the heavenly court came to present themselves before the Lord, and the Accuser, Satan, came with them. “Where have you come from?” the Lord asked Satan. (Job 1:6-7a)

In the book of Job, Satan is called ‘Satan the Accuser.’ And that is a deeply accurate description of the role Satan is always trying to play in your life.

He will accuse you of anything and everything he can think of. He’ll say things like: “This is happening because you committed that sin 20 years ago”, or, “Because you said this or did that that, things in your life are suddenly going wrong.”

After Satan had basically destroyed Job’s life – by taking everything away from him and making him scum of the earth – he gathered Job’s friends to lobby accusations against this devastated man.

Their accusations were complex, layered, and well organised. David Pawson said that Job is not only one of the oldest pieces of human writing, but it is also one of the greatest texts from the ancient world.

You can imagine if Job is considered a literary work of genius how complex their arguments were. Difficult to decipher. But Job stood strong, continuously countering each point by reiterating the truth.

So, how do we combat the Accuser?

We recognise the accusation and respond in truth, just like Jesus did during His 40 days in the desert.

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)

What struggles are you facing today? What accusations are coming your way from others… or even from your own mind?

Stand strong today by following the example of Job and of Jesus. Recognise the accusation. Respond with the truth of God’s Word. And trust that, even in life’s hardest moments, He will never leave you alone.

Take a moment to pray:

Father, help me seek he first, the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness so that when I encounter the accusations of the enemy, I will respond in Truth. Help me to fill my heart with your truth and peace today.

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Lessons From the Book of Job

The Book of Job is a wild story – a cosmic wager between God and Satan over the fate of a God-loving, good-hearted man, Job. But what can this ancient story teach us today? Well, at its heart is a simple lesson: bad things do happen to good people. Even to people who love God. So, how do you respond when tragedy strikes? Check out this five-day plan from Christian Surfers International for more…
