Transition to Your Missionדוגמה

Transition to Your Mission

יום 5 מתוך 5

“What got you here won’t get you there.” - Marshall Goldsmith

My first memorable moment of this quote above was during my first football practice at the collegiate level.

I was instantly awakened by the idea that I am not the best, and I am not even close to making this team. I thought I was a hard worker and knew what I was doing.

I quickly realized how much I needed to work on to even have a legitimate shot at making the team.

I learned how to work harder. I learned how to not take so many breaks. I learned how to never look, act, or feel injured. I learned how to focus on positive energy and share that with the team.

I eventually was one of two freshmen who traveled with the team, had a starting role, and played in the national championship.

When I was 22 I started working for a Fortune 500 publicity firm. I became very aware that I needed to step up my level of work and performance.

What used to work for me at Miss Sixty where I used to sell women’s denim, was not going to work in a Fortune 500 environment. The stakes had changed.

I learned how to work with every person in the company. I learned how to build trust with my co-workers and C-suite executives. I learned how to keep showing up and doing my best.

Because of that mindset and effort, I was one of the only males in the organization who had multiple offers to work in either corporate or personal PR.

I had to notice, “What got me into PR is not going to be what gets me promoted in PR.”

In 2012, our family of four moved from Chicago to Sydney, Australia. I figured I would get a job quickly and we would be on to building our new life.

Unfortunately, three months into the transition I had no job and no place to call home. Again, I realized “what got me here, won’t get me to where I need to go next.”

I came across an idea to launch my own business rather than run around handing out my resumé. This idea allowed me to build a successful six-figure business in less than two years.

Transition is intertwined in so much of what you do. The problem with transition arises when you realize you do not have a game plan for the transition.

Your mindset will determine how you map out your transition.

A weak mind will deliver weak structures and frameworks. A strong mindset and vision will produce a transition that builds your mission.

Allow me to show some areas of transition that are easy, and others that are more difficult.

Planned Transitions

  • Waking up for work
  • Driving to work
  • Scheduled meetings
  • Going from work to the gym.
  • Getting the kids ready for bed.
  • Driving the kids to school.

Unplanned Transitions

  • Lose your job
  • Get fired from your job.
  • Start a new business.
  • Start a new job.
  • Health issues result in changing habits.
  • Moving houses, states, or familiar places.

Let’s remember what the scriptures can teach us about this.

It doesn’t matter what sort of transition season you are in, you serve the transition Master. You are connected to the master creator and connector of all things and all people.

This is what the Master tells us.

Romans 12:2, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Colossians 3:2, “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”

Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Psalm 119:18, “Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.”

Romans 8:6, “For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.”

As we close this final day together, your transition is your mission. The saying goes, “the two most important days in a person’s life are the day they were born, and the day they figured out why.”

Where is this transition season leading you?

What is this transition season teaching you?

What is this season of transition doing in the following areas:

  • Your belief
  • Your vision
  • Your love
  • Your courage
  • Your mindset

I am believing for this season of transition to move you right smack into the mission for your life. Remember, “what got you here isn’t going to be what gets you there.”

It’s time to design your life and turn your transition into your mission.

If any of this was impactful for you, please let me know. Feel free to email me or send a message on Instagram.

If you are a powerful high-performing leader, I’d love to challenge you to a deeper and more powerful way of living life through 1-1 coaching, consulting, or speaking with your team. You can find more about it at

על התכנית הזו

Transition to Your Mission

If you feel frustrated and fearful due to a transition season in your work, finances, marriage, or relationships, keep reading. In this five-day devotional you will unlock the five most important keys to turning your transition into your mission. You will learn about vision (day 2), courage (day 4), and mindset (day 5) to own your transition and create your mission.
