Made New Prayer Devotionalדוגמה

Made New Prayer Devotional

יום 17 מתוך 20


The western world is full of things to occupy our time. Whether it is Netflix, Instagram, or shopping there are endless opportunities for distractions. While these matters may provide momentary satisfaction or a way to experience the next dopamine hit, they never fill us with a true sense of joy or completion. Jesus came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. No one would describe their 4+ hours of screen time a day as “living abundantly.”

It can be easy to fall into a pattern of apathy and neutrality towards life. One might wonder, “Why should I aim for an abundant life if I am ‘happy’ living as I am?” We can technically fill all our free time with meaningless endeavours, but we will always lack fulfillment. When we begin to reshape our lives to seek after God’s Kingdom, our hope for the future grows. The dim, grey lens we once looked through has been replaced with vibrant colours. As mentioned yesterday, Jesus not only died for our future, but He died for our present. The question then remains, will we lean into all the promises that are offered to us as a result of our salvation in Jesus?


Lord, I come to You to confess my sin of apathy. Give me Your eyes to see the beautiful colours in places where I have been seeing grey. I desire to be fully present with those in my life. Help me re-frame my perspective. Remind me that my job is a blessing, a platform to show Your ways to a lost world. Remind me that Church is more than a weekly tradition, but an opportunity to connect with and serve Your people. Empower me to be a fully engaged part of Your body. I love You Lord, and I need Your help. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


What did you pray for today?

How will you let this experience shape your interactions with others?

יום 16יום 18

על התכנית הזו

Made New Prayer Devotional

God works in us in many ways. He uses scripture, prayer, pastors, community, godly friends, and more. Each avenue can help transform us more and more into His image. As we dedicate our lives to Christ, He has made us new and continues to make us new.
