Share the Miracle!דוגמה

Share the Miracle!

יום 2 מתוך 6

Are you ready?

Over the years, music has opened doors for me to meet many interesting people, including celebrities. This particular evening was one such time…I'd been looking forward to attending a special event in Berlin. But on the plane there, I considered how many times I'd attended parties like these but had felt like it was purposeless. Attending felt "pointless" somehow.

So I prayed, "Jesus, if You do have a purpose for me going to these events, please make it clear to me!"

I'd just walked the Red Carpet when a German singer I'd never met before ran straight into me. Thick tears had ruined this beautiful woman's makeup, and the cigarette she held in her hand burned my new dress. Clearly shaken, she cried out, "Can you tell me if God really exists?" I beamed at her and gave her the life-saving answer she needed, starting with "Yes, there is a God, and He loves you!"

After a long conversation, she sobbed and said, "I can't believe it. I came here with the end in sight, and now I'm going home with a new beginning. I was going home to take my life. Now I'm going home to open my grandma's Bible."

None of this happened because I'm a musician or because my name is Déborah. It happened because I said to God, "Here I am. Use me!"

God wants to do that through you today, too! No matter where you are, let His incredible light of redemption and salvation inside of you shine for all to see!

God is looking for people who not only live for Him but also speak of Him. How will you answer the questions that He asks: "...'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?'" (Isaiah 6:8, NIV)?

Let's pray this together wholeheartedly today: "...'Here am I. Send me!'" (Isaiah 6:8, NIV)

You are a miracle!


כתבי הקודש

יום 1יום 3

על התכנית הזו

Share the Miracle!

Do you wonder what you bring to the table? Why God would or could choose you? If you ever doubted you have something to offer to God, and to others, that ends today! Be encouraged that you are a miracle, and you can share your miracle with others.
