Vanity: A Study in Ecclesiastesדוגמה

Vanity: A Study in Ecclesiastes

יום 3 מתוך 12

What does it say?

God, in His sovereign design, has appointed a time for everything under Heaven. He has also placed in each person’s heart a desire for eternity.

What does it mean?

God is in control, and His purposes will be accomplished. God’s perfect timing gives order and stability to what would be chaos otherwise. People have the opportunity to enjoy each day and rise above every challenge because of God’s blessings and sovereignty. Since God created humanity with His eternal purpose in mind, the deepest human longings can never be completely satisfied by mere earthly experiences. It is only fitting to worship and reverence God as He reveals the eternal purposes behind life’s daily activities.

How should I respond?

Life happens. Some things you expect, but others come without warning. God, however, knows and sees everything from beginning to end. He can use each event in your life for His divine purposes, no matter how those circumstances may make you feel. What is your first course of action when you are surrounded by chaos? Do you immediately turn to the One who made you, loves you, and sent His Son to die for you? Today, determine to trust the Lord to bring order to your life and bring awareness of His eternal purposes. As you do, a new sense of moment-by-moment worship will emerge.

כתבי הקודש

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Vanity: A Study in Ecclesiastes

Written by an elderly King Solomon, Ecclesiastes reflects on a life of meaningless pursuits. Solomon writes that the world's pursuits, from wealth to self-indulgence, are vain and unfulfilling. Ecclesiastes determines that God and his presence make life fulfilling, and true wisdom is to fear God and keep his commandments (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
