Belmont University Advent Guideדוגמה

Belmont University Advent Guide

יום 25 מתוך 29

“He will reign over Israel forever; His kingdom will never end!” Luke 1:33

I have never been disappointed on Christmas morning. Not once. Not a single time. For the past fifty-six Christmases, there has always been a little something under the tree for me. I remember the glorious days of childhood when there were packages both great and small with my name on them.

I remember toy trains and footballs and bikes to ride. As I grew the gifts changed a little, but there was never an absence of a gift. As a teenager, it was all about electronic gadgets or the latest clothing style. Even now as an adult, there are wonderful packages waiting for me to unwrap.

I have also noticed how the way I think about Christmas has changed through the years. I used to think that it was all about receiving gifts on Christmas morn. Now I find great joy in being the giver of gifts. I love to watch the excitement of my granddaughters gently opening their gifts or seeing my grown kids eagerly open the ones I have purchased for them. There is no greater joy than seeing the excitement of a well-chosen gift gratefully received.

And somewhere along the line I have also come to realize that I do not even have to find a single gift under the tree to be amazed and excited about Christmas morn. The deeper meaning of the day always finds its way into the dark places of my heart that need a little joy. Everything about the day . . . the tree, the lights, the gifts, the laughter . . . all remind me that the day is one of great celebration.

We gather to celebrate the fact that the Great King has been born. There will be no end to His Kingdom and no limit to His grace. We are loved, accepted, healed, forgiven, restored, and redeemed through the gift of Christ born into our lives. The joy of Christmas is not found in any number of gifts under the tree, but in the receiving of the One true gift from the Father.

You may or may not get all that you hope for this Christmas, but you will receive all that you need. How can you ever be disappointed?

Jon R. Roebuck
Executive Director, Center for Innovative Faith-Based Leadership
יום 24יום 26

על התכנית הזו

Belmont University Advent Guide

This Advent Guide comes from students, faculty, and staff at Belmont University. Advent is that season of waiting that carefully and purposefully helps us to realign our priorities and to glimpse, anew, our place before God. Our humble hope is this guide helps people focus more fully on Jesus Christ through the Advent season.
