What Is True Love?דוגמה

What Is True Love?

יום 9 מתוך 12

How Do We Walk in True Love?

What releases love? How do we rid ourselves of sin and self-love and walk forward in true love?

We can’t do this without Him and His help. It is so easy to lose focus or be thrown off. The love of Christ and the gospel is our only hope. Jesus came and lived, died, was buried, and rose again to overcome sin, Satan, and death. The Son of God who loved us also gave himself for us. He laid the path before us in His love. "Lord Jesus, I want to walk in this love. Help me put all of my hope and all of my trust in you."

Reading the hymns of old saints can help us focus our minds in the fight. We hear their hearts exulting in God, worshiping Him, living lives of holiness, and loving Him with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength. Consider these stanzas by Isaac Watts in his hymn "Awake My Zeal, Awake My Love." Does your heart long to love the Lord like this?

Awake, my zeal; awake, my love,
To serve my Savior here below,
In works which perfect saints above
And holy angels cannot go.

Awake, my soul, to feed
The hungry soul, and clothe the poor;
In Heav’n there are none in need,
Their hearts are full forevermore.

Subdue my passions, O my soul!
Maintain the fight, God’s work pursue,
Daily my rising sins control,
And the vic’tries be ever new.

The land of triumph lies on high,
There are no foes t’encounter there;
Lord, I would conquer till I die,
And finish all the glorious war.

Let every flying hour confess
I gain Thy Gospel fresh renown;
And when my life and labors cease,
May I possess the promised crown!

Take the Truth to Heart: Choose a Scripture to take to heart to renew your mind and transform your heart.

Put Self to Death: What specific sin is being addressed in your life by the Scripture you wrote? Paul tells us very specifically to put off the old self.

Bring the Truth to Life: Put on the new self--Christ. What very specific adjustments do you need to make in your thinking or attitude or behavior to submit to Him and apply His truth to your mind and heart?

יום 8יום 10

על התכנית הזו

What Is True Love?

Everyone wants to know what true love is. But few people look at what the Bible says about love. Love is one of the central themes of Scripture and the most essential virtue of the Christian life. This plan from Thistlebend Ministries explores the biblical meaning of love and how to love God better and love others.
