Advent in Israel: The Places of Israel & the Story of Jesusדוגמה

Advent in Israel: The Places of Israel & the Story of Jesus

יום 20 מתוך 25

Day 6 - Gethsemane

Gethsemane—an olive grove located on the Mount of Olives—a place where Jesus went to pray after the last supper. As He wept and prayed, his disciples fell asleep. In His agony He felt the utter despair of loneliness and abandonment—not only of his friends but also of His Father. He begged for the release from the suffering He knew was coming, and yet He prayed for His Father’s will to be done. Jesus knew what laid ahead of Him. He could have called angels down to save Him; He could have just vanished and never had to endure the several days, but He stayed. He stayed to suffer for us. He put aside the desires of His flesh to obey the Father.

Jesus obeyed His Father unto death, even as He sweat drops of blood in anguish. In what ways is God calling us to deny our flesh and follow Him?

יום 19יום 21

על התכנית הזו

Advent in Israel: The Places of Israel & the Story of Jesus

As we enter the Christmas season, we are all eager to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the point in history where God descended into humanity to bring life to a broken world. Each day leading up to Christmas, we will provide an overview of the biblical significance of a location in Israel, along with a devotional prompt that will connect that location with the life of Jesus in Scripture.
