BibleProject | The Character of Godדוגמה

BibleProject | The Character of God

יום 3 מתוך 6

What does it mean for God to be gracious? Let’s take a look at the Hebrew word for grace, khen. 

One meaning of khen is “delightful or favorable.” Things or people that naturally attract delight or favor (like jewelry or kindness) can be said to have khen, but something unattractive or someone undeserving can also receive khen. For example, when someone is in debt to another and they ask for khen, they are asking for favor in spite of what they deserve. 

Extraordinary acts of khen like these require a generous spirit. And no one does this better than God himself. He shows extreme khen over and over again. In fact, this characteristic of God is so reliable that over forty times in the book of Psalms, people cry out for God’s khen when they are sick, in danger, or in exile. And biblical prophets, like Isaiah, also talk about God’s khen as they declare that God will one day show his grace by delivering all creation from death and ruin. 

When we turn to the authors of the New Testament, they describe God’s khen with the Greek word kharis, which means “gracious gift.” When we are introduced to Jesus in the John’s Gospel, we are told that Jesus is God’s glorious kharis become human. God knew that humanity's destructive choices would continue to spiral into chaos, so Jesus died and rose again to give humans delight and favor instead of death and judgment. And just like any gift, all one has to do is receive it. When people humbly own their failures and ask God for grace, his response is consistent, generous, and gracious. 


1. How do the following passages portray God’s grace?

2. How are we called to respond to God’s gracious character?

יום 2יום 4