Bury Your Ordinary Habit Oneדוגמה

Bury Your Ordinary Habit One

יום 3 מתוך 3

Recalibrating Your View of God

The challenge with knowing God is that he is not like anyone else you know. This is what the Scripture means when it teaches that God is holy. He is set apart. He’s different from everyone else in the world. To actually know him, you must intentionally and methodically reprogram your thoughts about him. Your natural thinking must be replaced with supernatural thinking. As you begin to see God for who he really is, your view of him creates a lens through which all of life can be understood.

Making time for beholding God is the key to becoming more like him. And the more like him you become, the more joy, power, love, and peace you will experience. The more clearly you see God, the more accurately you will see yourself and the world around you. Developing an accurate view of God is the foundation of all spiritual growth. 

In order to approach God, we must first internalize the truth that he is approachable. When we first learn to pray, many of us tend to approach God hesitantly. We often feel unworthy, like we don’t know how to do it right. That’s why renewing our minds with God’s truth is so important. It provides the framework for real relationship. 

When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, he said to begin your prayer with “Our Father.” He teaches us to approach God from a specific position. What do you think it means to approach God as Father? What impact does that truth have on your life? 

Read Ephesians 1:3–14. This passage describes the new place held by every believer before God. What words or phrases stand out to you? 

When you approach God alone in daily prayer, is this the posture you take? Is this how you see yourself in relation to him? Why, or why not? 

Try starting your time alone with God by meditating on the truth of your position in Christ. Collect three to five passages of Scripture from the New Testament outlining your new position in Christ; read them out loud as you start your time with God. Ask God to recalibrate your heart with the truth of his love as you seek him each day. 

Habit 1 serves as a foundation for the next six habits. But in order for your time with God to come alive, it will require one more critical element. 

We all know that a great fire can begin with just a tiny spark. Fire grows when it’s given fuel, but what is the spark that can set your time with God ablaze? In one word, your time with God will require expectation. God will always meet you at your level of expectation. You must approach him every morning believing that he will meet you there. 

Jesus taught that whatever we ask in prayer we will receive if we have faith (Matt. 21:22), and God promises to be found by those who seek him with all their hearts (Jer. 29:13). Let it be done according to your faith. These statements can feel too far-reaching, or even dangerous, but every Christian must wrestle with the fact that Jesus spoke them. What if God is just waiting for someone to take him at his word? If you will bring an attitude of expectation into your daily meeting with God, he will meet you there and your life will never be the same. 

Right now, God extends the invitation to you: Will you rearrange your calendar to seek him for an hour every morning? What do you really have to lose? Consider all you have to gain. 

For more information about Bury Your Ordinary, visit here  .

כתבי הקודש

יום 2

על התכנית הזו

Bury Your Ordinary Habit One

Jesus made big promises to those who follow him: perfect peace, abiding joy, and supernatural power, but these promises often feel disconnected from our experience. How do we actually take ground in our spiritual growth? Pastor Justin Kendrick has written the book Bury Your Ordinary to teach seven spiritual habits that lead to explosive growth and how to develop them in your life. Dive into the first habit: Relationship.
