Encashing Opportunitiesדוגמה

Encashing Opportunities

יום 5 מתוך 7

Opportunity to Learn

God asks us to be attentive to small things that can teach us beautiful truths. Here, in this passage, the ant teaches us about anticipation, organization, and autonomy. We can always learn something from anyone, regardless of size, age, composition, etc.

A child teaches us that it is necessary to be like him; that is, to have a humble heart, to enter in the Kingdom of God (Mt 18:2-4). Creation obeys God 100 percent, following the strict order God had ordained for them. Isaiah 1:3 says that the ox knows its master and the donkey its owner’s manager.

God has placed people around us to learn from them. Of course, they are not perfect, but we can always learn something from their lives. Can we learn something from a bad boss? Someone said, ‘Never waste a good opportunity to learn from a bad boss.’

I have come across many bosses who built me up. But sometimes, we have bosses who get stressed out even for a small thing and shouts at the team. There are others who do not give us the information in time and ask us to prepare presentations at the last minute. There are some others who treat us badly.

But, I understood that it was God Who placed them above me. This also gave me an opportunity to be different and act differently from the rest of the team. Once I understood that my view of the situation has changed. I tried to draw out good things from these situations.

"You who are slaves must submit to your masters with all respect. Do what they tell you—not only if they are kind and reasonable, but even if they are cruel." (I Pet 2:18, NLT)

With a good boss, you only learn good things. But a bad boss is terrific to learn from: do the opposite of everything they do and you will do well. We must seize this opportunity to learn good lessons.

Everything negative – pressure, challenges – are all opportunities for me to learn.

Father, help me to learn from everything and everyone You place in my life. Amen

כתבי הקודש

יום 4יום 6

על התכנית הזו

Encashing Opportunities

This Bible Plan will teach us to be attentive to small things that can teach us beautiful truths – people around us going through difficulties, the causes of our failures, a bad boss, etc. Opportunities that can be encashed without crushing others are blessed by the Lord. If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door!  
