Turning Mistakes Into Miraclesדוגמה

Turning Mistakes Into Miracles

יום 3 מתוך 3

The Last Laugh

So far in this plan, we’ve acknowledged the ability of all humans – you, me, even someone of amazing faith like Abram – to get things completely wrong. 

But yesterday we saw that God works despite and even through our mistakes to achieve His mighty purposes. 

So let’s check in on Abram’s story, and see where it ends up – and what that may mean in your own life today. 

Both Abram, now Abraham, (Gen 17:15–19) and Sarah (Gen 18:9–15) end up laughing at God’s promises. 

I mean … come on, the promise of a huge nation growing out of them is impossible

It’s been twenty-five years since God called them. Abraham is nearly a hundred years old. Sarah is over ninety. Come on God, what are You doing? 

But let’s see how it ends! 

The Lord did for Sarah as He had promised. Sarah conceived and … Abraham gave the name Isaac to his son whom Sarah had borne. (Genesis 21:1-3) 

Do you know what the word “Isaac” means? It means “he laughs.” Abraham and Sarah both laughed at God’s promises and still God gave them a son called Isaac – and God has the last laugh! 

It’s the laughter of God’s grace. 

And, my friend, here’s the point for you and me.

You and I tend to focus on our mistakes. We feel condemned. We wonder how to work our way back into God’s favour, as though that’s even possible. 

But God’s perspective – the thing that He sees, that matters most to Him – is faith.

Because, in his heart, Abraham believed, and it was reckoned unto him by God as righteousness. 

His faith trumped his failures. Let me repeat that … Abraham’s faith trumped his failures! 

Abraham was human, just like you and me. You make blunders in your life; I make blunders in mine. What does God look at? He looks at whether we put our trust in Him through Jesus Christ. 

God not only forgave Abraham and Sarah for their mistakes, but He cleaned up their mess so that His plan would be realized for His glory. 

So what do you have to do, to do the works of God? Simply believe in the One whom He sent: His Son, Jesus Christ! 

And make no mistake about it. When God sees that faith, He will count it unto you as righteousness – and set about turning your mistakes into miracles. 

Life Application Questions

  • When you look back at your life, do you see a long litany of failures – or do you see God redeeming your mistakes through your faith?
  • If there are particular moments that cause you regret or pain, take them to Him now in prayer. Ask Him to help you see those moments not through your own eyes, but through His.
  • Is there someone in your life who is struggling with the weight of their mistakes? Ask God for wisdom and opportunity for you to encourage and serve them in their time of need.

Finish in prayer:

The revelation of how You treat those who put their faith in You takes my breath away. Help me to live every minute of every day for the rest of my life in the certain knowledge of that grace … Your grace. And as you did with Abraham, take my mistakes, Lord God, and turn them into miracles for Your glory. Amen. 

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יום 2

על התכנית הזו

Turning Mistakes Into Miracles

When you look back at your life, do you see a long litany of mistakes? Are there moments that cause you deep pain or regret? It’s time to see those moments from God’s perspective. Because your greatest errors can reveal the true depth of His grace. Join Bible teacher Berni Dymet to walk through Abraham’s story in Genesis – and discover how God can turn your mistakes into miracles!
