Old Church Basement: Returning to Simple Worshipדוגמה

Old Church Basement: Returning to Simple Worship

יום 4 מתוך 12


I’m gonna wait on You

I’m gonna wait on You

I’ve tasted Your goodness

I’ll trust in Your promise

I’m gonna wait on You

Whether we’re waiting for results at the doctor, waiting in traffic, or waiting for food at a restaurant, very few of us enjoy waiting.

We've created thousands of ways to distract ourselves when we have to wait.

But what if there is something that God wants to show you through your waiting?

In the Bible, we see countless stories of when God made His people wait for what He had promised.

Jonah waited in the belly of a whale. (Jonah 1:17)

Abraham waited 25 years for God to give Him a promised son. (Genesis 21:1-2)

Mary and Martha waited for Jesus who came 4 days after their brother had died. (John 11:17)

For thousands of years, God's people waited for the coming Messiah. And today we wait for the return of our Savior.

We are still waiting for the restoration of all things.

We are waiting for the kingdom of God to make all things right.

But in 2 Peter 3:9, we're reminded that even when we’re waiting, God is still good.

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead, He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

Because God is still good, we can walk in faith and not waste our waiting - knowing that He is with us through every step.

If you are waiting on God right now, know that there are ways to wait well.

Daily spend time in the Word of God.

Memorize the promises of God and remind yourself of His character.

Find community and fellowship with other believers who can walk with you and speak the truth into your life.

If you're in a season of waiting right now, don’t waste this time. Don't wish your waiting away. Don’t try in your own strength to make things happen that are outside of God's design.

Instead, ask God what He wants to show you in your wait.

Draw close to the Lord and listen for His voice. In your waiting, He will sustain you and give you the strength you need to see His promises fulfilled.

יום 3יום 5

על התכנית הזו

Old Church Basement: Returning to Simple Worship

Where were you when you learned to worship God? That's your old church basement. It wasn’t just a room, it was a place in YOU. It's where you learned an encounter with God can lift you above your circumstances. May this reading plan reignite in you a love for God's presence. May it remind you of who God is, what He's done, and what He'll continue to do.
