Understanding God, Myself, and the Worldדוגמה

Understanding God, Myself, and the World

יום 7 מתוך 19

Made in the Image of God

What does it mean to be human? Now, there are many different answers to this question. For some, the most important part of being human is to be productive and to gain wealth. As long as we contribute to society, and as long as we become wealthier, we are truly fulfilling the role of being human. For others, being human means having the freedom to choose to do whatever we desire. Once we give in to what we truly feel inside of us, we are being true to our humanness. Others see humanity as mere biological creatures. Our material existence is the only thing that defines us as human beings. We are just like all the other animals with instincts programmed within our biological makeup. But are these views correct? Do they tell us on a fundamental level what humanity really is? And how does the Bible explain the meaning of being human? 

Within Genesis 1:26-31, we read about God creating humanity in His image. As human beings, we are made to reflect God. We are like mirrors, while God is the light. He shines His light on us and we reflect that light into all of creation. When we get to Genesis 3, we see how things go horribly wrong. Adam and Eve sin and reject the light of God that He wanted to reflect through them. Humanity was created to worship God. But now, humanity decided to worship idols. Instead of reflecting the image of God, we, in our fallen state, reflect the image of idols. The result of all of this is sin, death, and separation from God. The image of God is severely distorted within us through our rebellion. 

This is also where the story of Jesus comes in. Jesus, being both God and man, perfectly reflects God. He is also the perfect Human Being. He never sinned. Through the Cross He not only forgave our sins and gave us eternal life, but He also came to restore the image of God within us. Through the Spirit giving us rebirth, and dwelling within us, we are being transformed into the image of Jesus. In Romans 8:29, we see that God’s ultimate purpose for humanity is to conform to the image of Christ. Thus, the true meaning of being human is being and becoming like Jesus. When we walk according to the ways of the Spirit, we reflect the beauty of who Jesus truly is. 

Which areas of your life do you still need to grow in to become like Jesus? Bring these things before God in prayer. 

יום 6יום 8

על התכנית הזו

Understanding God, Myself, and the World

Join us as we grow in our understanding of God, ourselves, and the world through the lens of the Bible. Jesus defines discipleship as being obedient to God. Life in Christ is, therefore, incomplete if the knowledge we acquire does not influence our daily lives. This means that studying the Bible, and studying the Bible with others, is a vital part of the process of discipleship. By Shofar Christian Church
